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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Sekiro - The one father that whooped your ass more than you can count - Sketch of Great Shinobi Owl from Sekiro

    Sekiro - The one father that whooped your ass more than you can count - Sketch of Great Shinobi Owl from Sekiro

    The one father that whooped your ass more than you can count - Sketch of Great Shinobi Owl from Sekiro

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:25 AM PST

    I know nobody cares, but it feels like a right of passage at this point (to post your first time on reddit)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    After days of struggling, I finally beat father owl. No deaths, no cheese, pure agression and parrying. I haven't felt this kind of elation since Nameless King. Die old man!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 04:38 PM PST

    Maybe not as elegant as I could have done it, but I managed to beat Genichiro on NG+7 (Charmless and Demon Bell) without taking damage!

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    This’ll be my last post here. Reached 99 attack power last night after consuming one final Isshin memory. Video share screwed up so this is all I have to show. さよなら。

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:33 PM PST

    Found this and it’s perfect for here

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:51 AM PST

    The Sword Saint of Ashina decided to break into the restaurant industry.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    NO HESITATION - Bullying Papa Owl into submission in 2 minutes (NG+7, Charmless + Demon Bell, Damageless)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:08 PM PST

    Big boss vs Solid Snake (1999, Zanzibarland)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Why is sekiro so short after you beat it the first time?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:42 PM PST

    My first play through took me like 2 weeks because I was stuck on fire isshin for one of those weeks. I've owned the game for 3 and a half weeks now and finished my 3rd play through today. I'm starting my 4th right now and already got to Ashina castle. Isshin sword saint is a fucking joke now. Any ways to make the game have more hours than I already have. Ps. I am going for each ending and I just have dragons homecoming left.

    submitted by /u/ilovejojo12345
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    First playthrough - 4th attempt - Up until this point, my parrying and general combat skills have been trash. I am incredibly proud of how well I beat Genichiro

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 06:07 AM PST

    New wallpaper

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:54 PM PST

    I’m sorry I am posting so much, first time playing and love this game

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:57 PM PST

    But holy hell do i feel bad about Kotaro. I didn't send him to the bad man who turns him into fat wax. But almost just as bad I sent him to anayama. Which might be even worse. And I didn't give him his white pinwheel. I'm a shit shinobi.

    Anyways, sorry again for posting so much recently, but it's my first play through and I haven't been this excited about a game since my first dark souls experience (DS2) and this whole game has entangled itself to me. Have fun!

    submitted by /u/02grimreaper
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    FromSoftware games community

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Multiple dragonblood droplets

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:46 PM PST

    So I'm freaking out a little—doing my first play through. I got Dragonrot& died a few times to horse boss—then the bull lol. I have 13% unseen aid & i think sculptor/maid have minor dragon rot. I did the quest line w Emma & unlocked the dragonblood droplet but I saved it bc I'm still on the bull. I figured I'd die more moving forward & this was my first dragonrot. I farmed to get the coins purses after getting the Ashina arts tree then w left over gold bought another droplet from the merchant. Clicked through the text but I don't see 2 on person inventory does it go to the sculptor idol inventory or did I just lose out on one? I know things you buy bulk go there I clicked to fast on the dragonblood droplet. I hope it was saved idk why I could only carry 1 on person.

    Thanks in advance for any help—trying to stack up supplies before I go on.


    submitted by /u/slaynk
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    New and improved! Now with more gun.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:55 AM PST


    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST

    Owl Attack Power 1 - NO DAMAGE

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:38 PM PST

    Why the Purification Ending is More than We Give it Credit For

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:49 PM PST

    Think of this ending in a broader way, and I mean in terms of culture and what it means to not just be a man, but a human in a karma centric universe. He's not simply following orders like your boss or the government (or parents if you're younger). He's following a destiny that surpasses his life and will follow him through eternity. The beginning of the game makes a strong point of showing a man not only disgraced in his given task, but in his karmic fate that will carry on to his next reincarnation.

    This isn't simple masculinity or even honor at stake when you're faced with the big question when facing your dad at the top of Ashina Castle. That's why Sekiro breaking Code 1 is really a much bigger deal than Western audiences give him credit for. He's actually taking not just his and Kuro's life back from this bastard (Owl), he's breaking a ritual that has served humanity well since humanity's creation by the Gods. The difference this time is that Sekiro sees (with the help of Kuro) that this karmic cycle, in particular, is corrupted and must change its course.

    I would say that the Purification ending was about the path of one man in his journey to Enlightenment and making a great step forward, despite the blood on his hands. On the other hand, the Homecoming ending was about beginning the journey to ensure that others would not have to face the same choices that he and Kuro did. Also, to make sure that others would not suffer from the corruption that comes from the Ego denying its own mortality and thirst for control, even over death itself.

    In those terms the Purification ending makes this game feel much more self contained, while the homecoming ending feels a bit more broad and somewhat watered down in a story telling sense. I think perhaps this was in order for there to be a direct sequel, but that is peer speculation. I'm not versed in Eastern culture so any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this far!

    submitted by /u/jesus_lil_stinkr
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    First sketch of Owl (Father).

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:56 PM PST

    “Why boy?”

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:59 PM PST

    How do I defeat Shichimen Warrior without divine confetti?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 12:19 AM PST

    I had plenty of divine confetti when I started to fight this guy but I never got the timing right and he always ended up killing me. Now I have run out of confetti and don't know how to get past him. I found a guy on youtube that fought the Shichimen warrior without confetti but it takes an enormous amount of time because his strategy is basically just chipping away till he breaks the warrior's posture... I don't think I will be able to stand my ground evading the terror attacks for that long. Any advice?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/dan_sundberg
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    I’m enjoying Sekiro but...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 08:17 PM PST

    I wish performance was better on PS4 Pro. Hopefully this game will get a PS5 patch.

    submitted by /u/pei_laz123
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    Completed my charmless, bell demon playthrough after many hours. My experience:

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    I just beat the Glock Saint, after killing all bosses (except those from Shura ending). I've done challenge runs in DS1, but this was something else.

    After completing all achievements I felt like I got everything I could out of the game. But on my post about completing NG+3 all achievements, u/gilfordtan suggested I should do Charmless + Demon bell. I was wary, but they said it's a whole new experience. They were correct.

    It certainly helps to have killed all the bosses before, but nothing prepares you for the chip damage. On single slow attacks, or well known combos, it wasn't so bad. But some combos I just couldn't get down and ended up taking a chunk of damage in a short amount of time.

    If you want to play Sekiro again, but don't want to quit halfway through because you've seen it all, try charmless and bell demon. Below are the bosses that made the biggest impact on me so you can go in a little more prepared than me.

    Genichiro 1st encounter: I only had this first encounter on NG once before. This was a repeat of that experience. Killed in less than 10 seconds. Out of 5 playthroughs, I have died on this fight twice.

    [MY NAME, IS] Gyoubu Oniwa: this is where I really started honing my deflecting. It took plenty of tries, but it was a valuable lesson on timing.

    Ashina Elite (both of them): these two were the 2nd hardest bosses I fought. I'm terrible at deflecting their attack that already cuts through your block. While blocking, 4 hits (2 of the Ashina cross combat arts total), and I was dead. I burned a lot of Ungo Sugar on the first one. I did end up cheesing the first one with whirlwind combat art. But I don't feel that bad as they're one of my least favorite bosses in the game. The 2nd Ashina elite was slightly easier because you can get a stealth deathblow and use fire to scare him. But still got killed in 2 Ashina crosses.

    Genichiro 2nd encounter: this is my favorite fight, hard mode or not. The fight did take me a little bit to get down and relearn his moves (as I hadn't played for about 3 months), but it never felt impossible. From my first attempt it felt fair and doable.

    O'Rin of the Water: this was the first boss I thought I wouldn't beat. Even not on hard mode she would destroy me. I have trouble keeping track of her attacks, and Divine Confetti is hard to come by. It took me a few hours to beat her.

    Corrupted Monk (Fountainhead Palace): I almost quit on this fight. It took me 3 separate nights to finally get past her. It took awhile just to be able to beat the first phase. The 2nd phase always gave me trouble with the 3 ghosts that appear and attack three times. And the final phase is much faster and requires more vitality damage to complete, so a lot of times I would get to this phase and have to learn it while trying not to die in 2 hits. I finally beat her using all my healing, rice, Divine grass, and all my spirit emblems. She was the hardest boss in the whole playthrough hands down.

    Owl (both): Owl was as hard as I expected. It took me awhile on each to relearn phase 1. Phase 2 took a little less time to relearn, but it was still two very challenging fights.

    Demon of Hatred: not as hard as I was expecting. It took me a bit to relearn his attacks, but every other time I've fought him I hardly deflected. So it was mainly a repeat of that fight. Mostly it was running in circles, putting on Ako Spiritfall and Divine confetti and wailing on him.

    Isshin The Glock Saint: not as hard as I was expecting, but I was expecting him to be much harder. I was able to get to his phase 2 pretty quickly, and this was one of the few fights I used sugars and Divine confetti. Phase 2 took me awhile to learn, and I always died on it. With a ressurect I made it to phase 3. I choked a couple times. Either from expecting the wrong move, or mistiming my jumps for lightning attacks. The first or second time I got to phase 3, I missed a lightning attack when his posture was nearly broken. It was rough.

    I doubt I'll do a NG+ playthrough of this, but if I do I'd probably go for Shura ending. For a shorter experience, and to complete all bosses.

    If you're looking to replay Sekiro, but think it'll just be the same, try charmless and demon bell. It will kick you to the ground, wait for you to get up, and then stab you.

    Edit: words, added DoH

    submitted by /u/Somedude12300
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