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    Wednesday, July 8, 2020

    Sekiro - Finally beat the Glockmaster! 4,5h

    Sekiro - Finally beat the Glockmaster! 4,5h

    Finally beat the Glockmaster! 4,5h

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:35 AM PDT

    Lady Butterfly

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    I always laugh when I see the comments

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    12-hit combo-chaining-tryhard. July 7th, colorized

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Beat sword saint Isshin without taking damage

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Sekiro - Enemies Unmasked ?!!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 07:09 PM PDT

    Sekiro i love this one!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    No one at home cares, but I just beat the game. I am pumped. Wife and kid don’t understand.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I literally hate sword saint isshin. He took me probably 12 hours total. I don't get angry easy but I even threw my controller once.

    Anyway just had to tell someone. I loved that game. Now I need a break.

    submitted by /u/16miledetour
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    Just bought the game

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    Loving the shit out of it so far. Died 12 times to the Chained Ogre before I realized it wasn't a rite of passage that would unlock the flamethrower prosthetic attachment. Excited to be a part of the community!

    submitted by /u/Jesus_Christ_2
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    After multiple play-throughs this game really becomes the Genichiro bullying simulator

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Kinda start to feel bad for the guy

    submitted by /u/NobodysToast
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    The Different Types of Ashina Crosses

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    The Different Types of Ashina Crosses


    Don't know if this was brought up before but I thought this was just interesting. I went and compiled a bunch of images of the Ashina Cross technique that the Ashina clan does and noticed that Emma's was the most perfect out of everyone else's, even Isshin's. She has the most cross-like swing in her execution while the other ones were more just diagonals. Probably reflects her characteristic of being precise and accurate knowing that she's a doctor.

    That's it! Just thought it was cool to see the other NPCs' take on the technique and realizing that someone who's not an obvious practitioner executes the move better.

    submitted by /u/Spoms_Maghetti
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    At last... 25 attempts later

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Satisfying XD

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    Genichiro help

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:46 PM PDT

    hey hey, i am currently stuck on genichiro, and is there a special skill or some tool thats really effective against him? or is it just getting good? i have 3 prayer necklaces and 2 memories. i finally got down those 2 health bars and he has the audacity to say "impressive" and then become thor. so yeah pls help

    submitted by /u/SebLancer
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    I have two of those carps trying to grow.. One is less likeable like the game lol.

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    What was a boss that you overreacted with joy upon defeating it?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    For me, on my very first playthrough, it was that damn Guardian Ape. I knew there was a phase 2, but that didn't mean I was good at the game lol. It took me too many tries to care to remember. All I know is that, I too, was flailling my arms around like a stupid monkey upon defeating him.

    submitted by /u/x_-AssGiblin-_x
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    two iconic final boss battles. betrayal, honor, and revival. [Sekiro/MGS3]

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Was Lady Butterfly easy or did I just use a cheap strategy?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    Dark Souls veteran here, on my first play-through of Sekiro. I came into the game looking for punishing difficulty, and found exactly that. I learned to parry, dodge, mikiri counter, all the good stuff. Some bosses I've had lots of trouble with, some not so much. Nothing extreme tho.

    But Lady Butterfly...I feel like I was missing something. I had heard about her being really hard, and was prepared to get my rear handed to me more than a few times, but that just...didn't happen. I brought all the snap seeds I needed and ran around the arena the whole time, occasionally dodging in for a quick swipe before running away again. I didn't expect to come close to winning, only to learn her moveset, but I ended up beating her on my first go, and I'm wondering if I fought her the "wrong way." Should I have stayed closer, countering and dodging the whole time?

    Coming from DS3, I learned to appreciate playing the game "the right way" by learning the attacks and when to roll, so I want to do the same with Sekiro.


    submitted by /u/newAcountOldRedditor
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    Oh snap! no damage, Genichiro first fight on Demon Bell, 3 more to go! Guys i'm so proud of myself! Step by step, eh!

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    Missing 1 Prayer Bead ��

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    Any advice on common prayer beads that get missed. I'm on my third run thru doing the purification ending and the time span between play thrus is too long for me too remember what one I'm missing. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/ThatDudeFromUhh
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    Beginners tips - Updated version

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 10:53 AM PDT

    This is a recreation of the original Beginners tips thread by u/A_Good_Hunter. The original got archived, but we still feel this guide can be expanded some more so we're starting a new one.


    ⚠ This is a spoiler free zone ⚠

    First, on deflection and combat:

    • Do not button mash. That leads to a red æ­» appearing on screen every time.
    • Get good at deflecting, it makes the game much easier. Sword clashes is the core of combat after all. Hanbei helps a lot here.
    • You can deflect projectiles, including canon shots!
    • Whenever you do a deflect with the big orange sparks, you can pretty much always hit the enemy right after for a 100% safe hit, the hit will stagger the enemy, cancelling their attack. Some bosses have super armour on some of their combos so this doesn't really work vs them. ← Source /u/Apinaheebo Often correct, but also often not correct. You need to learn the pattern of each attack and know when you can and cannot counter-slash to interrupt an enemy's action. There are far more openings for counter-slashes than most players realize, though. ← Source /u/Vreivai
    • If an enemy perfectly deflects you, they will always hit you before you're able to hit them, so be ready to block/deflect. ← Source /u/Apinaheebo Generally correct, but some enemies will at times either not counter, or counter slowly enough that you can hit them before they hit you. Generally a good rule to follow if you don't know the enemy you're fighting well, though. ← Source /u/Vreivai
    • If you deflect too early, keep L1 pressed instead of releasing it as you still block. It will hurt your posture a little but that is it. If you deflect too late, then the attack already lands on you.
    • Look at your enemy at all times, never yourself. If you look at yourself or the red symbol before a sweep/thrust/grab, or even both of your swords, how will you ever know what your response should be. You have so long to react to these moves as long as you do nothing but watch your enemy at all times ← Source /u/Nokturno
    • Practice with Hanbei, a lot. You should be able to fight him without taking any hits.
    • Your posture meter recovers faster if you hold the block button ← Source /u/enjoy_life88
    • Just like there's a way to counter thrusts (Mikiri), there's also a way to counter sweeps: double jumping (jumping onto and off an enemy's head). If you do it at random moments, there's not much benefit, but if you do it during an enemy's sweep, you damage their Posture a lot.← Source /u/Knightmare
    • The only unblockable attacks you can deflect are thrusts. It's not as good as doing Mikiri counters, but still something players should know.← Source /u/Knightmare Thrusts are not the only unblockable attacks that can be deflected. Some grabs, most notably Shirafuji/Shirahagi's grab, can be deflected. Thrusts are, however, the only type of unblockable attack that are always able to be deflected. ← Source /u/Vreivai
    • Don't be afraid to block (not deflect) a boss's attacks while you're still learning the fight. You're not going to be able to instantly deflect all of their attacks without having memorized some of them/learned the timings, and blocking is better than getting hit, so it's an useful tool to learn a boss's moveset before trying to perfect the fight. Not to mention that, of course, holding the block button recovers your Posture if you're not being pressured.← Source /u/Knightmare
    • The recovery rate of an enemy's Posture bar is tied to their HP (this applies to Sekiro as well). Low HP = low Posture recovery and vice-versa, so in some of the boss fights you should focus on damaging their HP at first (until they're at 50-75% HP) and then worry about filling their Posture.← Source /u/Knightmare
    • In most of the fights, you should be either attacking or deflecting at all times, because if you keep pressuring enemies, you essentially restrict their movesets (specially true for bosses). If you give them freedom, they'll use whichever attacks they want, but if they're having to block/deflect you, they only have a few counter-attacks to choose from, not the entire moveset. Also, this aggressive strategy usually results in having your Posture filled, but don't worry about having it broken that much. As long as it doesn't get broken during a boss's combo, you can usually just do a Safety Roll and resume the fight normally. ← Source /u/Knightmare
    • If anyone wants to really practice how to deflect and counter both thrusts and low sweep perilous attacks, there is a purple ninja that can be encountered in a secret area of the hirata estate. Beware that it is an incredibly tough enemy but if you are able to defeat him by just deflecting the rest of the game will be so much easier. ← Source /u/Sahelanthropus
    • You will only be posture broken, and therefore become stunned and vulnerable to enemy attacks for a few seconds, if your posture gauge is full and you block an enemy attack instead of deflecting, which means having it full but keep deflecting everything will not cause your posture to break. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Provided you have the appropriate skill, you are able to deflect or block mid-air, you just have to time it the same way you do it while on the ground. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Being mid-air and getting hit by projectiles, e.g. arrows, kunais, shurikens, musket shots, etc, causes heavy posture damage, this is true to both you and your enemies. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Some enemies will try to recover their posture if they are about to be posture broken, they do this with an animation that creates a blue aura around them. You can prevent them from completing the animation, and therefore recovering their posture, by attacking them up close, or by throwing a shuriken at them if you are unable to catch up for a close quarters attack. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Your own thrust attacks can be considered the cheapest way to deal both posture and vitality damage, use it against any and all enemies, specially those who leave less windows for attacks (except Owl in both of his versions, because he has his own Mikiri counter). ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Compared to basic sword swings while on the ground, mid-air swings deal very little damage, but can be used to catch up with an enemy and force them to block your attacks. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Attacking an enemy who's on guard will most likely force them to block your attacks. Be mindful that, even if you're not actually damaging the vitality of an enemy in this situation, you are damaging their posture. Enemies can be defeated by breaking their posture the same way it works with you, you don't always need to cause vitality damage to win a fight.
    • Generally speaking, deflecting an enemy attack usually rewards you with a little window to counter-attack, take advantage of it, but also watch for the moment when they do the same to you.
    • No matter if you play aggressively, or prefer to keep a safe distance, always observe before attacking. Plan your attacks, don't be greedy.
    • It is recommended to avoid fights where you are outnumbered, but if stealth is not an option (such as during a boss fight), always try to separate enemies, attacking and retreating to avoid taking collateral damage.← Source /u/datthighs
    • The Loaded Axe is a very useful tool to quickly eat up enemy posture, from the spring-loaded version onwards it can be swung infinitely until you run out of spirit emblems, and it can even instantly break the posture of regular enemies protected by shields with a single attack. The fire variant is perfect against enemies who take more posture than vitality damage, and are vulnerable to fire.← Source /u/datthighs
    • The Loaded Spear can be used as a long range weapon that can easily reach enemies while keeping you at a safe distance. Some variants also possess a hook which causes smaller enemies to be pulled towards you in a stunned state, or tear the armor of some oversized enemies apart (which drastically reduces their defenses, allowing for more vitality damage).← Source /u/datthighs
    • If you use the Finger Whistle tool next to a pack of wolves, they will become enraged, and will attack any enemy that is nearby. Exploit this if you need a quick distraction. You can also use this tool to attract an enemy towards you, so you can easily separate them if they are grouped together.← Source /u/datthighs
    • When a perilous attack using a bladed weapon is about to be executed by the enemy, the blade of their weapon will gleam for a split-second, which can help you predict it and calculate the exact time to react.← Source /u/datthighs
    • Thrust and sweep attacks can be easily telegraphed if you look at the stance of the enemies executing them. Thrust attacks will usually be preceeded by the enemy pulling their weapon backwards, with the hilt against their own body or with the weapon completly backwards, with the blade still pointing your direction, and sweep attacks show the enemy positioning their weapon with its blade being paralel to the ground, angled like the pointer of a clock, sometimes at the exact height of your legs.← Source /u/datthighs
    • There are many ways to escape a grab attack, you can do it by side strafing, backing away, jumping, or jumping away. How you do it depends highly on how the enemy moves in order to catch up to you. Usually, if they sheath their weapon (or leave it like if they had no intention to block your attacks), or wave one of their hands towards you, it is advisable to jump back or side strafe. Side strafing can leave you room for some free hits, but if you feel uncertain, jump away to replan your strategy.← Source /u/datthighs
    • When covered in oil, damage received by fire-based attacks is increased. This is true to you and your enemies, so use oil canisters on enemies, specially if they have a known vulnerability to fire, and avoid being hit by enemies throwing them at you. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Some enemies may squash you if you fail to block a smashing attack, leaving you in a state where you can still take damage. To prevent yourself from being hit again, simply roll away using sprint at any direction (preferably one that gets you as far as you can from the enemy). Other attacks can cause Wolf to become staggered, losing the balance of his body. In order to prevent that, use the same trick. By recovering balance, you don't lose your ability to deflect or block enemy attacks ← Source /u/datthighs
    • The Loaded Umbrella is a generic defence mechanism that you can use against all sorts of enemies, blocking all enemy attacks provided you hold it open and even deflecting it you press the block button while it is open. It can be particularly useful against enemies who resort to ranged attacks using weapons such as bows or muskets, specially when you are uncertain on how to react to their attacks. Later in the game you will be able to upgrade it into a powerful defence/attack hybrid tool. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • The Shinobi Firecracker is the most versatile tool in the entire game. It can be used as a distraction, to create additional room for attacks, and can even interrupt some attacks. Use it against any and all enemies, but it is particularly useful against animals and beasts of all sorts. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Aside from vitality and posture damage, you can be inflicted with the following effects, which can eventually affect your posture recovery and vitality: fire, poison, lightning, terror and vitality draining. Each effect is represented by a coloured Kanji, that shows up every time you get in contact with them, and most of these effects have an associated item which helps decreasing and/or nullifying them. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Fire damage builds up every time you come in contact with anything related to fire, e.g. being hit by an enemy wielding a torch, or stepping on a fireplace. When fully built up on fire damage, your posture can not be recovered normally, and your vitality will be drained slowly. The effects of this damage type can be reverted with a certain consumable found in abundance on bandits in Hirata State. It is represented by a red Kanji (which appears yellow-ish when fully built-up). ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Poison damage works in a similar way as fire damage, but is inflicted differently. Some enemies have the ability to cause poison damage through their attacks, and some environmental hazards also cause this damage. It causes vitality damage at a much greater rate than Fire damage. Likewise, a certain consumable item can be used to stop its effects and prevent vitality draining. It is represented by a green Kanji. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Terror is a special sort of damage, inflicted mostly by ghosts and apparitions throughout the game. It can be caused by staying too close to these enemies and taking damage from their attacks (which includes not deflecting their sword attacks if applicable). If fully built up on this damage type, you will instantly die. A certain consumable, that can be used to reduce the build up on this damage type and also prevent it from accumulating too fast, can be found in abundance on the zombies at Ashina Castle underground. It is represented by a purple Kanji. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Lightning damage is caused by specific enemies who posses the ability to control the power of thunders. When hit by this sort of attack, the player gets instantly drained of a big chunk of their vitality while being dangerously stunned for a few seconds before any reaction is possible, unless they manage to be hit midair. By getting caught by lightning mid-air and swinging your sword before you land your feet in the ground, you are able to deflect the thunder back at the attacker, preventing you from taking significant damage and damaging and stunning the enemy in the process. There is also a consumable item that can help decreasing the damage received. It is represented by a yellow Kanji. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Life draning damage happens when you come in contact with enemies with the ability to drain your life force. If you become fully built-up on this effect, you'll automatically lose your ability to fight properly, and your vitality will be heavily reduced. In this state you'll become extremely vulnerable to enemy attacks. This effect is the one who builds up faster, so it is recommended to be very cautious against enemies with this ability. It is represented by a white Kanji. There is no consumable in the game which helps countering this effect. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • You see an empty space below your selected Combat Art? That will later make room for Ninjutsu techniques, which are mid to late game abilities that consume spirit emblems in order to create additional situations to aid the player in combat and stealth. As soon as you acquire them, don't hesitate to use them, as they are very helpful to distract enemies and recovering your stealth. ← Source /u/datthighs

    Bosses and mini-bosses:

    • Optional minibosses are worth defeating because they often drop good items.← Source /u/Nuclear-Shit
    • For that matter: practice. Bosses will wreck you until you learn what they do. Take the time to learn. Save scum if need be: use items, tools, and try different things.
    • Bosses do not stop you from progressing the game: they are the main attraction! Enjoy fighting them and try not to get frustrated.
    • When fighting a boss, look at how much further you got not at how many times you died. Getting reliably to phase two is an achievement. You are getting better. If you regress, take a break.
    • Not all bosses you encounter need to be defeated right now: do a few other things, you might get an easier time with them later on.
    • Most mini-bosses can have a free deathblow from stealth: Use it.
    • Skip the apparition mini-bosses that you can encounter early on, you don't have the tools and resources to take them on until mid to late game. ← Source /u/Sahelanthropus
    • Toward the end of the game it is ridiculously easy to miss an optional boss and 2 prayer beads, so I recommend new players to look this up before heading to the last area of the game. ← Source /u/Sahelanthropus
    • Before every boss fight take a look at how much XP you need to get to the next level. If you die you lose half your current bar, so if you are close to another level go farm some XP to get to the next one so you do not lose all of it. ← Source /u/from_the_bayou
    • Usually, bosses become stunned when you manage to deflect a sequence of attacks, but some of them have a specific "stun" animation that plays after you deflect specific attacks, this usually happens at the end of an uninterruptible combo, after a perilous attack, or after a charged attack. If you do this, you will be rewarded with a better vulnerability window to hit them a few times.← Source /u/datthighs
    • Your attacks will mostly cause a boss to react by blocking or deflecting your attacks, but if they start an attack animation, and seem to not react to your sword slashes, it usually means they are about to execute a powerful attack, or an uninterruptible combo, so if you notice this, prepare to assume a defence stance to minimize the risk of being caught off-guard.← Source /u/datthighs
    • Most bosses have specific weaknesses that you can exploit in order to cause greater damage and finish the fight more quickly. Some enemies are extremely vulnerable to fire-based attacks, others are more susceptible to posture damage than vitality damage, others will take great damage if you use the hook mechanic of the loaded spear tool, others can become stunned for several seconds if you use firecrackers on them, and others will take great posture damage if you use Mikiri counter against them. Observe and experiment to identify these weaknesses and use them in your favour.← Source /u/datthighs *Some bosses reuse the same AI of previous bosses you have already beaten, e.g. there is the Ministry ninja AI, the sumotori AI, the Ashina samurai AI, the Ashina pike AI, etc, all of them are very easily noticeable if you pay close attention. This can be hinted by how their body looks and what animations they use. Take advantage of this in order to keep the upper hand against bosses from mid to end game. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Bosses will be often found guarding a valuable item inside a nearby container, or being in possession of one, so if you don't automatically receive anything when beating a boss, the probability of a valuable item being placed nearby is pretty high, always explore the surroundings after succeeding in a boss fight, you may find something very useful. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Apparition/ghost mini-bosses usually hold unique items that can prove useful in your adventures, giving you certain abilities that can even be recharged after resting at an idol, so when you become strong enough, beat these bosses to receive these items. They will carry on even after you finish the game. ← Source /u/datthighs


    • Skills you must have: Mikiri Counter, Shinobi Eyes, Ascending and Descending Carp, and Suppress Presence/Sound. Both Emma's Medicine are great to have as well. Those will make your progression much easier.
    • You should really get the combat art Ichimoji and Ashina Cross. Both are slow but devastating when used right. PracticeLots of repeat of that… till you get good.
    • Ichimonji and Senpou high kicks, buy their upgrades if you end up using these arts a lot, are the only combat arts in my opinion that are as useful as the mikiri counter. ← Source /u/Sahelanthropus
    • The skill Breath of life: Light is essential always try to buy it after suppress presence and shinobi eyes. ← Source /u/Sahelanthropus
    • Empowered Mortal Draw is over powered: It does both massive vitality and posture damage.
    • Even though Mikiri Counter is a powerful technique against thrust attacks, it requires good timing. If you forward step too early, it might leave you in vulnerable state that can be exploited by enemies. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • The High Monk Combat Art is excellent at pinning down and stun locking certain enemies. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • The descending kick from both Senpou Leaping Kick and High Monk skills can be used as a counter against sweep attacks the same way you do it by jumping on the enemy's head. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Combat Arts that use Kazabimaru can be heavily improved with the help of the Living Force skill. You could combine, for example, the regular fire effect, or the blue fire effect, from the flame vent tool, with Ashina Cross to create a powerful elemental attack, adding to the already good damage and posture damage. This is particularly useful against enemies vulnerable to those effects. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Praying Strikes, as well as its upgraded version Praying Strikes Exorcism, is a very useful Combat Art that helps building up posture damage fast, while not costing spirit emblems. It will stun enemies and is also unblockable by most enemies. Can be used as a combo finisher. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • The Ashina Cross technique is a devastating skill that ignores defenses and causes damage even if the enemy is on-guard. When you manage to get them off-guard, vitality and posture damage is substancial and critical for a quick victory. It can be a little hard to be correctly timed, but as soon as you master it, you will quickly eat through enemy defenses. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Ichimonji and Ichimonji Double are preferrable techniques if your objective is to destroy enemy posture as quickly as possible. While quickly eating up enemy posture, it also recovers your own posture on successful hits. It is particularly good against enemies with the ability to regenerate their posture faster, or against enemies with poor defenses. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Shadowrush and Shadowfall are very powerful techniques that act as upgraded versions of your regular thrust attack, allowing you to quickly catch up to an enemy while dealing decent damage to them in the process. Like Ashina Cross it also pierces enemy defenses and you can optionally trigger the jump attack following the thrust for extra damage. Very useful against enemies who constantly try to create distance or have a tendency to stop and try to recover their posture. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Whirlwind Slash is a cheap skill, in terms of skill point and spirit emblem costs, that can be very versatile when used against enemies who leave small attack windows. It can be blocked and will not pierce enemy defenses, but if both swings manage to connect to an enemy who happens to not be on-guard, the damage inflicted will be around double the amount caused by a thrust attack. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Floating Passage is a combo, that can be easily employed as a counter-attack, or to force an enemy to block. Because it can be lengthy if entirely executed, it is mostly effective against enemies with less defenses. Its endgame upgraded version, Spiral Cloud Passage, is essentially the same, but with the ability to penetrate enemy defenses while the combo is executed. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Nightjar Slash/Reversal are two twin skills that are very useful at creating distance or closing in to an enemy, and both attacks can deal damage and force the enemy to block it, giving you opennings for interesting combos. It also consumes zero spirit emblems.
    • Chasing Slice is a cheap and very useful ability that helps you attack and close in to an enemy very quickly, it works along with many different prosthetic tools such as the shuriken, the loaded axe and the loaded spear.

    General, and random hints:

    • When frustrated, take a brake. The game will drive you into rage.
    • Remember that doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is insanity so vary your tactics!
    • Use those items. Hoarding gives you nothing. Do make sure you always have at least a few of each item -- persimmons are especially important to have.
    • Do not be afraid to farm for XP, sen, and items. Pick a good audio book if you plan on doing it a lot. Especially if you are close to gaining a skill point.
    • Stealth is great, use it.
    • When damaged, stay in until safe to heal. If you try to dodge and make room, the enemy will punish you.
    • Explore every nook and cranny.
    • The game requires you to adapt to new situations, change your play style, and use different tactics to overcoming different situations.
    • Invest in spirit emblems. They are really cheap at the start of the game.
    • Invest in purses. Sure, you "lose" 10% of the value but you get to keep 90% for when you really need it.
    • Dragonrot is a taunt and about as effective as one. Fear it not. All it does is stop NPC quests from progressing and reduce Unseen Aid. That is all. No NPC will ever die from it. Later in the game, you can cure it and the cost of doing so is trivial.
    • Go back and re-explore areas you've beaten later on, lots of new stuff shows up. I won't say more without spoiling it ;) ← Source /u/Nuclear-Shit
    • Use the eavesdrop ability because you sometimes get useful info which can advance npc plots or help you find good items as well.← Source /u/Nuclear-Shit
    • Ceramic shards are useful for stealth, as long as you know how to use them. You're supposed to throw them directly at an enemy (using lock-on). This will make the enemy investigate your location without actually making him aggressive, so you can reposition a bit, wait for him to come and then backstab him.← Source /u/Knightmare
    • Oil+flame vent makes quick work of red eyed enemies and beast type enemies you will encounter. ← Source /u/Sahelanthropus
    • Snap seeds have the power to disspell lesser spirits. This might prove useful during a certain boss fight. Early game it will be quite rare, so save it for later. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Divine confetti has two uses, basically. One is to embue your sword with a special power that allows you to properly damage ghosts and apparitions in general. The other is just a damage buff that works with any enemy. Can be combined with other damage buffing consumables for an even greater effect. Early game it will be quite rare, so save it for later. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Fistful of Ash is a throwable item that causes the same effect as an attack with the fireworks tool. Throwing one at an enemy will cause them to cover their face, and become stunned for a few seconds, helping you create additional windows to attack. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Sugars are sacred candies that each add a different buff to the player stats. Some of them can heavily boost your damage output, others can effectively turn you invisible for a short period of time, and others will make a trade-off between your vitality/posture and damage output. Each of them is adequate for specific situations, so experiment with them and test their effects in order to find the best moment to use them. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Like mentioned above, most elemental damage types have an item associated with them that helps decreasing or nullifying their effects on the player, but certain traders will also offer special gourds that, once drunk from, will cause the exact same effect of the individual consumable items. Look for these special gourds as they will prove useful in your journey. ← Source /u/datthighs
    • Not that all items can be purchased from merchants in the late game and can be farmed from different enemies. This means that running out is not much of a problem.


    • Ask for help here. This sub is filled with skilled shinobi that will go out of their way to provide you with advice and encouragement.
    • Remember to have fun!
    • Do not give up, you can do it!

    I hope this will help you get better at the game.

    Please, let me know if you want me to add your hints as well.

    submitted by /u/datthighs
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    Fighting Sword Saint Isshin no (Hud, Lock)

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:44 AM PDT


    Hope you enjoy the fight.

    submitted by /u/RoofRug
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    Excited about Ghost of Tsushima?

    Posted: 07 Jul 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    I finished Sekiro about half a year ago and, strangely, found it far more accessible than dark souls. I felt so satisfied when I finished it! So much so that I bought fallen order, not because I'm a Star Wars fan (which I am), because I heard the combat felt like Sekiro. I see what people meant, I didn't think the parry was nearly as smooth in fallen order but I enjoyed the game! Then I remembered this game was coming out and got excited because it was another samurai game but the more I think about the more worried I become that my expectations are too high because of Sekiro. My main concern is the combat, I feel like if they get that tight then I'll be hooked, but I would love to hear what you all think? Sorry if something like this has already been posted, just asking because I appreciate your opinions! Thank you

    submitted by /u/evanjhorton
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    Owl is still annoying

    Posted: 08 Jul 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    I am on my 2nd playthrough , I died once to genichiro and gaurdian ape rest was cake walk but the owl he is still annoying 😂. Still fighting him is very hard so many attacks and my posture fills too fast but he is fun.

    submitted by /u/ancient6
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