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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Sekiro - owl straight up rage quit on me

    Sekiro - owl straight up rage quit on me

    owl straight up rage quit on me

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:07 PM PST

    Even after several playthroughs, I still adore the scenery

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:56 AM PST

    Absolutely no one: O’Rin of the water:

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Mr Bean as Sekiro would be amusing to watch

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:08 PM PST

    He doesn't stop

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:20 PM PST

    You spin my head right round, right round

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:18 PM PST

    Sekiro would have made one hell of a Jedi

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:00 PM PST

    This is going to be an odd post so mods do with it what you will.

    I noticed something when fighting both Genichiro and Owl. Ocassionally when making an attack I would see my opponent raise his sword and I would instinctively cut myself short and deflect only to see him do so as well leaving us both guarded but doing nothing. I chalked this up to nothing more than the AI preventing me from just getting in some easy vitality damage while attacking because you can't just do vit damage to these two, they're better than that, but my timing and self-preservation had caught the AI in a misstep as, of course, hesitation means death. Easy enough to explain at face value.

    However, I was re-watching some Star Wars footage and the fight between Anakin and Obi Wan came up and there is one instance where they both spin their lightsabers and do effectively nothing. It's a moment a lot of people like to use to criticize the sequels, but some have explained as: Since Jedi can use the Force to peer into the future they are both simply caught in a crossroads of possible outcomes and are sort of spinning their wheels looking for an opening, playing it safe against attacks, but being ready to do so themselves.

    The two seem to almost be the same sort of instance. Two swordsmen who know so much about combat both reading the same signals from the other and in an awkward moment both counter the attack the other has made in the same instant.

    submitted by /u/BeeztheBoss
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    After 78 hours my first From Software game is complete! Onto NG+ and Bloodborne for me

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 03:37 PM PST

    My favorite moment

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:39 PM PST

    This is one of the best games I've ever played for sure.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:59 PM PST

    Combat is beyond fantastic.

    submitted by /u/ttth22
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    So I bought Sekiro last week and can’t put it down, now I want to know from this sub, I’ve always had trouble with dark souls but this I just “got”. It’s still hard as hell but I felt like the learning curve on Sekiro was more smoother. Anyone else feel the same or have more input on the difference

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:52 PM PST

    I‘m done Mr Miyazaki, can I get some Elden Ring news now, please.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:40 AM PST

    I finally did it, took 30+ tries but I got him.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:18 PM PST

    Some of the best voice acting in the English version of the game came from this man

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Finally got my Platinum. Now I'm sad.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:44 PM PST


    submitted by /u/letlivellove
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    Isshin ������

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:42 PM PST

    He killed me three times before but this win was really satisfying.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:21 PM PST

    Just beat sekiro 100%

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Finally did it.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:16 AM PST

    Took a 7 hour session today but finally killed him. Imo Guardian Ape is still the toughest challenge tho. Which boss gave everyone the biggest headache?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:09 PM PST

    Just beat SPOILER for the first time

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:05 PM PST

    Just beat Isshin the Sword Saint for the first time. Only took me 200+ times.

    submitted by /u/kdoggie96
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    It took 2 months of sporadic playing and a ton of yelling. So much yelling... but he’s finally dead. Had a ton of fun playing the game, I loved this fight.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:30 PM PST

    First time I finally managed to get this fight....wish me luck..

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Finally beat it

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:08 PM PST

    I have finally beat Sekiro and I have one word to describe it: amazing. The bosses were the bestIn my opinion. My favorite boss in the whole game would have to be the Genichiro/Isshin. That fight is amazing. I love that it takes place back where it all started. I arrived and saw Genichiro and I went "Oh this guy again" but then after I killed him l, Isshin comes out of him and I have to fight him with his frickin three health bars. He was so close to death when I ran out of Spirit Emblems and he only needed a couple hits and he was dead and I paused the game out of fear that I will blow it. Immediately after I unpause he starts his lightning slash and I think "This is my chance" so I jump up and throw it back at him, run up, hit him some more and boom, he's dead. This games was amazing.

    Next on the list: Dark souls 3(Done) Sekiro(Done) Dark Souls 2 or Bloodborne(not done) Dark Souls 1 (Not Done)

    submitted by /u/gmanc2165
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