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    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    Sekiro - Sanjuro: Shadows Die Twice

    Sekiro - Sanjuro: Shadows Die Twice

    Sanjuro: Shadows Die Twice

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:55 AM PDT

    It's really not that hard a concept to grasp

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    rare screenshot from the alpha version of Sekiro, 2017

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    Hesitation is defeat

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    *Heavy Breathing*

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    Such bullshit the video is a re-enactment of how I died on my ng7 deathless run, apparently the healing gourd does not work if you are in this specific floating cover.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Sekiro breaks another left bumper button. Damn those deflects. Got all 4 endings though, last one still with a broken bumper. Ha.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:25 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    The Demon of Hatred is Dead

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    I bought this game on launch day. Today, so long after, I finally defeated the Demon of Hatred.

    I used every heal I had. Revived twice during the final phase. Only a sliver of health as I went in for those final attacks.

    Never has my fucking heart pounded so god damn hard.

    God I love this game, even if I don't play it as often as I should.

    submitted by /u/Rennick-senpai
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    Yet another example of Sekiro's deep Japanese lore

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    does anyone wish or would wanna see if sekiro had arts like the okami warriors do in fountainhead palace? like maybe a skill tree or a few where he can do lightning attacks or some of their combat arts?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    My inktober the other day. Guess what the theme was? I know its not great but i hope i got the correct vibes

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Why i loved Sekiro, and just can't vibe with DS3

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Ok so I have tried to play DS3 a few times now, and while I love the setting, atmosphere and music (the score is so good!), I just can't get into the combat.

    I find the stamina management a bit jarring/annoying more than fun, but I understand that's personal preference. I can see how people would love it.

    What I hate though is when I die, I can't really see what I did wrong at times. In Sekiro, the vast majority of times I died it was my fault - I dodged instead of jumping a sweep, I attacked instead of deflecting etc. A handful of times I suffered with bullshit grab boxes or shitty camera, but it wasn't frequent enough to really dampen my experience.

    With DS3, even this early on, many deaths feel like they were out of my hands. The lock on is so inconsistent, sometimes I did because I couldn't lock on in time. I'm currently fighting vordt of the boreal valley, and I just have no drive to fight him again.

    The safe spot is stay right up close/under him, however half the time when I'm there I can't even see what I'm doing, or what Vordt is doing from the shitty camera. Also, sometimes I roll and I don't take damage. Other times, I roll and get clipped, and I can't tell what I did differently.

    Also, the run to get to him is crap - most times I can get to him without taking damage, but others I get clipped and it's basically a wasted attempt.

    In short, I didn't mind throwing myself at a boss for an hour or two in Sekiro because when I lost I knew why I lost, and how to improve. Also it was so quick and painless to retry.

    I just don't feel the same with DS3. Did anyone else who played Sekiro first experience this?

    submitted by /u/More-Candle
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    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:50 AM PDT

    Don't upvote this! But finally!!... again

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I just had to channel my nervous energy somewhere because a few days ago I was explaining that I got this game in July and loved it so much! 10 days or so later I got to the first owl encounter and I was stuck. I figured I wasn't good enough as far as my reflexes and timing, etc. Guides couldn't help me, in fact I did worse trying to replicate different things I saw. And so frustration got the better of me and I gave up, which I've never done before. Very depressing feeling so 4 days ago maybe, I said screw that, I love this game and I'm gonna play it! So against first owl I did what i hadn't done yet and that was to try whatever I thought was a good idea and after all night I beat him! Well next day I found out that I had to do it again for the ending i wanted and I thought okay cool! But for the last 4 days it was like deja vu. And it was a worse feeling for some reason to not be able to progress, so once again I said forget these guides, they are for ppl that are already good at games, and I did it the only way I knew how with no cheese, just what the game had taught me to this point. The hardest habit to break is the deflecting instead of dodging. Once I broke that habit, it became a different kind of fight and so the point to my rambling is that I love this game for many reasons, I'm glad I can say that I didn't give up, and really just to say thank you to you outstanding Shinobi out there on reddit who always give me wise words and even encouragement from time to time! And thank you From. I love every From game I've played so far!

    submitted by /u/lisasguy
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    Gywn, Lord of Cinder vs Sword Saint Isshin (NG+7)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:37 PM PDT

    Finally got my Platinum Trophy

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I finally got the platinum trophy for the game! And I know I'm probably pretty late to this party, but honestly when I first played the game when it first came out I did not enjoy it. Having played hundreds of hours worth of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, dropping my original dodging attacks tactic was difficult for me to grasp. I spent most of my first playthrough struggling and cheesing my way through bosses, with certain ones like Lady Butterfly and Genchiro atop the Ashina Castle taking me dozens of attempts.

    When it came to that final fight, I felt like it was utter bs and not possible. I ended up winning by running away, baiting the jump attack, then attacking once and running away. It worked, but took over 15-20 minutes and was NOT fun. I never touched the game after until just recently when I wanted to try it again. The lack of character builds, single focused combat, and no multiplayer really made it one of my least favorite of From Software's games.

    I decided to play by the game's rules this time, and now see why the game was so absolutely loved by many. The combat is so precise, the level of skill the game demands from you makes it difficult but satisfying at the same time. I understand why there is no variation now in the builds, they took a huge gamble by focusing on one particular style and it when you focus on that it pays off big time. Even fighting regular enemies is a ton of fun! I also see why no online was included. The level of precision would very likely not work when lag is introduced to the equation...

    Although I could have done without the skill point grind trophy, I finally finished my last playthrough without kuro's charm, killing Isshin without running away on NG+5. For those of you out there who can no dmg parry kill the bosses, I commend you. I know I'm not that skilled (yet or probably never) and that is ok. The game has been really fun for me now and I am enjoying it 1000x more then I did before.

    Initially I would have put the game at a 6-7/10. Now I would say it is easily a 9-9.5/10 game for me which is great. Anyways that's all, just wanted to post about how much my opinion for Sekiro has changed over the last year. I am more than happy I gave the game a second chance :).

    submitted by /u/thejudgeoffudge
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    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Who else plays with mouse n keyboard?

    submitted by /u/Kusabimaru95
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    Just uploaded my first sekiro video

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    This is my first ever Sekiro video! Anything that I should do to improve in the future? https://youtu.be/nbfES_fcEs8

    submitted by /u/CaptainAlekap
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    Started a new save file cuz I was stuck on the final boss of Shura and I beat Genichiro first try

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:55 PM PDT

    I also beat prologue Genichiro. I was expecting to get messed up by his thrusts cuz I didn't have Mikiri but he didn't do any.

    Once you've beaten him a million and a half times in preparation for Sword Saint Isshin, he becomes pathetically easy. He's so ridiculously vulnerable to a smooth rhythm of attacks because 99% of his attacks can be interrupted and the ones that can't are easily countered and punished.

    I also beat Lady Butterfly and GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA on my second try. But for some reason, the purple-robed ninja in Hirata gave me so much hell and I ended up just running past him to grab the mist raven (which I've never actually used).

    submitted by /u/Elise_de_la_Serre
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    Did i just fuck myself?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I had bought 2 lapis lazuli from the fountain pot guy. Later i returned to hirata and got some special bait which i gave to the fish. Now the fountain potguy is gone and the hirata pot guy has taken over his stock but is all sold out. So i cant buy anything.

    Also i gave the big fish a shit ton of bait at once and only got 3 scales from that :(

    submitted by /u/BuBaBoBiBe
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    Im on my first playthrough, and i just reached the final boss

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Im on my first playthrough, i reached isshin, and all i want to say, is fuck you From Software, a 4 STAGES BOSS FIGHT?? Thats not fucking cool from you, but other then that, great game, really liked it

    submitted by /u/SharpRage33
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