• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 22, 2020

    Sekiro - Don’t talk to me or my son ever again

    Sekiro - Don’t talk to me or my son ever again

    Don’t talk to me or my son ever again

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:52 PM PST

    If you don't have this much, you're doing it wrong :P

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 04:59 AM PST

    Any Rurouni Kenshin fans over here?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:04 PM PST

    Sliding to the dms

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:07 PM PST

    You spin me right round, baby right round

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:28 PM PST

    Finally killed Juzou, thought my skill was unparalleled then lost to this lame moments later. THIS GAME!!!!!!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:54 PM PST

    I tried to draw our favorite samurai (Its not that good but i started drawing in September)

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 03:48 PM PST

    A quick update from a new player

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:39 PM PST

    Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull Fuck the bull

    submitted by /u/TheUnderdog112
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    After 72 hours, this is farewell Sekiro. You've got me through some tough times.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:05 PM PST


    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:22 PM PST

    I've Finally Done It! Inner Isshin NG + 10 No Damage!!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:54 PM PST

    I was wondering, does anyone know what the text on the banner says?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:59 PM PST

    PS5 Gameplay. Who needs Mikiri?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    isshin the sword saint 1st try

    Posted: 22 Nov 2020 12:20 AM PST

    I love how the Guardian Ape boss fight transforms itself when you start playing the game correctly.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:27 PM PST

    Hello, I just wanted to share my experience in how fighting the Guardian Ape for the second time made me love Sekiro a lot more. On the first run I did the Shura ending (kinda by mistake, wanting to make the wrong decisions :P) and played the whole game in a very SoulsBorne style, dodging a lot, running all around the place and deflecting only when necessary. Learning the move-sets of each boss and just grinding my way through, a very frustrating and tough experience.

    Then you have me on NG+ without all the upgrades you get from doing the normal ending and without the knowledge of how to play the game correctly. The first part of the game was doable until I faced the Guardian Ape. I just couldn't beat him with my antiquated play-style and it just felt like a rock wall. The game was really punishing me. The Guardian Ape and then the Headless one kept destroying me, and I couldn't do much about it. It really felt like a relentless vicious animal which kept attacking non-stop. I even dropped the game for a few weeks.

    During my comeback I started playing the correct way, improving my deflecting skills and going full "forward attack mode" with the easier enemies in the world. It doesn't feel right at the beginning, but I just kept getting better at it. Then I started deflecting the Ape attacks correctly. And when it clicked the Guardian Ape fight transformed completely. Instead of feeling that I was the victim of the situation, the fight reversed. I started looking at the Guardian Ape as an angry indefensive creature fighting for its life. Running away from me, throwing poop to keep me at bay. It just felt really empowering.

    I guess most difficult fights from the game end up feeling this way (mostly thinking about Genichiro), but the analogy of it being an animal just made me realize how much I love this game.

    submitted by /u/holt0102
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    YAAAAAAY, I finally did it. This game is a fucking masterpiece

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:47 AM PST

    Ps5 is a massive upgrade

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 08:38 PM PST

    First playthrough, just beat Genichiro and I feel like heaven

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:30 PM PST

    I must've died over 20 times to this guy. First, I was getting my ass beat in the first round. Then, I started getting to the second round. Then I got my 3rd prayer necklace and reached his second phase. I'm sad to say I couldn't figure out how to deflect his lightning, but I don't really mind because that fight made my blood feel like lightning. Oh my god I am ecstatic. I love this game. I get it now. I finally get it.

    submitted by /u/MHWDoggerX
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    please please please tell me Genichiro is the toughest boss in the game...

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:25 PM PST

    Probably at close to 80 deaths now and can't pass him.... dunno if I want to keep playing if he is not. I would consider even paying someone to come kill him for me if they lived in my area. Anyone in SE Idaho? :)

    Is this normal for this game? Forgive the salt please, just need to vent a little.

    submitted by /u/mattyshum
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    The Path of the Fountainhead Waters and Immortality

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:18 PM PST

    I started playing the game again recently and naturally got obsessed with the lore again - especially how the different forms of immortality came to be. I know others (Vaati) have covered the topic before, I guess I just wanna put my take on it.

    The Dragons Heritage is the pure, "perfect" form of immortality. You could say it's the undiluted power of the Divine Dragon. The blessed can return from death and suffers no averse effects himself. It's what Genichiro, the Monks and presumably the Mibu Villagers and Carps eventually desire - though the latter two are up to debate.The dragons power springs forth in the Fountainhead, in the form of the Rejuvenating Waters, which flow through the Ashina Depths and eventually pool in the Sunken Valley - however, the waters have become diluted and tainted. Where those that drink the pure Fountainhead Waters become carps on their quest to become dragons, those that drink the Rejuvenating Waters gain the Red Eyes - they become more sturdy, but develop a fear of fire. Additionally, the Red Eyes are signs of an incomplete creature - they cannot become "Masters", which I presume means they cannot move further towards becoming dragon. There is one more thing that taints the water - the Centipedes, and how they traveled from the Fountainhead Palace all the way to the Senpou of Mt. Kongo has been a real headscratcher, but I think I found a good answer, which I'll cover in a bit.

    However there's one place where those that drink the water neither turn into carps, nor gain the Red Eyes: Mibu Village. I often see people referring to the Villagers as undying, or immortal, but with a bit of time and lots of violence I found out they do actually stop respawning at some point. Obviously, none of them is Infested either, nor do they portray the traits of any other "immortal" enemy type in the game. Unlike the zombies and test subjects of Doujun and Dosaku in the Ashina Dungeons - which they resemble most imo - they don't stand back up after being killed once, nor do they sprout a Centipede like the Infested Monks of Senpou Temple. They simply vanish like any other mortal mob and another villager comes crawling out of the ground. I can see two explanations for this:

    Either the Mibu have become extremely sturdy due to their exposure to almost undiluted Fountainhead Water, and thus survive being buried - which might explain the buried enemies that grab you - so they aren't immortal in any way, shape or form, but another villager simply burrows up. Or, and this is a bit of a stretch imo, they have a diluted version of the Dragons Heritage. The only real hint towards this is the sakura tree in the center of their village and the frequent sites where petals are strewn over the ground (Wolf reviving spawns a shower of sakura petals). This seems a bit strange, considering the Mibu actually worship - or at least used to worship - the Serpent Gods. Even now they have serpent skins on the rooftops of their houses.

    The next stop of the Rejuvenating Waters is somewhere the Ashina have fairly easy access to. I'm not quite sure where, but as the entire gameworld is essentially Ashina territory, there'll be at least some place they can get it, before it pools in the Sunken Valley. This is where Dojun and Dosaku get their research material from. Mimicking the way the Rejuvenating Waters leave sediment in the stomachs of the Mibu that eventually grows into Shelter Stones, I believe the D-Boys have created the Red Lumps through their experiments with the waters. Their processed version of the waters is what grants Red Eyes to the Ashina forces and Genichiro - and Wolf if he chooses to snacc some tumor. How Genichiro loses his Red Eyes remains a mystery to me, but a lot of his journey to obtain the Black Mortal Blade is unexplained, so I'm going to leave it at that. I did see the theory that he instead drank a purer version of the Fountainhead Waters, but there's not really any confirmation on that. Given he was tutored by Lady Tomoe, who came from the Fountainhead, I wouldn't rule out his access to pure water though.

    And finally, the waters pool in the Sunken Valley, where the Guardian Ape tends to his flower.

    The Guardian Ape is Infested though.

    On this entire path, from the Fountainhead to the Sunken Valley, we haven't found a single Infested. Instead, they all reside on Mt. Kongo - a place seperate and high above the streams that spring from the Fountainhead. How did the Ape get Infested and how did the monks?

    Anyone who spent some time searching for lore on the Infested has heard about the mortal remains of the Great Carp in the Palace. This skeleton is covered in lots and lots of small, glowing centipede-like creatures. I often see people claiming that the water is infested with centipedes and those that drink the water get infested in turn. I don't think so. Only very few things that drank the water actually became Infested. Barely any to be honest. Instead what I think is that the Carps of Fountainhead carry the Infestation. For that end, I'll quickly reference the folktale of Yao Bikuni - as others likely have done before. Long story short, a woman ended up eating the flesh of a Ningyo - a fish with the face of a man - and got incredibly long-lived - or even immortal - as a result. The name of the True Monk, as revealed in her remnant, is Priestess Yao and the Carps have quite disturbingly human faces. The connection seems obvious. My proposition is that Priestess Yao used to live in Mibu Village as the guardian of the Palace, just like her illusory counterpart. Upon eating the flesh of a carp that was washed down the stream, she was infested by the Centipede and sometime later entered the Palace. Killing the Great Carp also washes it downstream, and where do the Fountainhead Waters pool deeply? It's the Sunken Valley, baby. The Guardian Ape's den specifically. He too must've eaten a Carp at some point and gotten his worm. But how did the Senpou Monks get a Carp?

    Syke, not yet, cause I wanna talk about something I've seen in this post, which is great, go read it. Specifically, the rivalry between Senpou and Ashina, and their reliance on monetary and martial power respectively. Ashina has - with the existence of the mines in the Sunken Valley - access to lots of iron and the special magnetite ore, which they mostly use to make weapons. The monks on the other hand lend their aid to those with money and might just have a gold mine of their own, given their mountain seems to be well dug-through and the "Centipedes" and their Long-Arm Leaders are based off of mining experts that coveted gold. Another thing the Senpou Monks do is trade, as stated in Yashariku's Sugar. This sugar was forbidden at the temple, but it was good enough to distribute in exchange for "donations" to further their research into immortality.

    So, yeah. The monks literally bought Rejuvenating Water, and probably a Carp at some point. They did their own experiments with them and eventually produced the Divine Child of Rejuvenation. Not without losses, of course, there were many Divine Children, among them I assume Robert, whom the Armored Knight took with him to Mt. Kongo to gain the help of the Senpou Monks. Tough luck.

    One question that came to mind was just how the Divine Child was a success in the monks research. After all, all she can seemingly do is create Rice and eat Persimmon-shaped things. However, one other post gives an interesting view on the matter:

    The Rice is Centipede eggs.

    There's no real evidence for this, but it sorta fits, at least from a logical standpoint. The monks created the Divine Child so the Divine Child can create more Centipedes. Wolf is supposed to chew thoroughly, so he doesnt get Infested by accident - though the Dragons Blood might also make him immune.

    That's all I can really say for today, but I'd be happy to obsess over this games lore again.

    DLC please?

    One last question that bugs me still: How did the Great Carp back in Fountainhead get Infested?

    submitted by /u/Wgni
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    Sekiro is my first game that doesn't have selectable difficulty settings, and I am glad it doesn't

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:14 AM PST

    I just beat Lady Butterfly after I avoided her since I started the game, because she was so intimidating to me. But I think I am about to beat Genichiro on the castle tower deck, I have all the moves internalised, but I think I lack just a little bit attack power and I had read or seen that the defeat of Lady Butterfly results in one step up in attack power, so I thought it's finally time to face her. Of course I died a lot at first, but then, like it did with Genichiro, there was this notorious "click", and after that I thought I would soon beat her and I did and this was such a tremendously rewarding gaming experience and so much different to anything I have experienced in other games' fights before. Also, I think a lot of games make a boss fight easier if you have died a certain (high) number of times and in Sekiro I sometimes suspiciously thought, the opposite was the case. I have recently seen a very god youtube vid titled "No game NEEDS an easy mode", but because at that time I hadn't bought Sekiro yet (because I was so intimidated and I normally suck at fighting games) I didn't until now understand what that video really was about, how fundamentally different a gaming experience it is when there is no selectable difficulty setting. This devastating frustration when you die over and over and over again, and then the first glimpses of how it could go, muscle memory developing, and now with Lady Butterfly for me the first time ever this unbelievably rewarding feeling when it "clicked", like a "dance of wrath" with her, and when I then kind of received conformation that indeed it has clicked after I had beaten her. What a relief, but particularly what a joy!

    submitted by /u/MN130828
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    Where to find divine confetti mid game?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 11:41 PM PST

    Hey guys, so ive recently started playing sekiro and now, my next path is to go to the senpou temple or sunken valley to progress through the story. But in the abandoned dungeon, ive wasted all my divine confettis on the shichiman warrior! Now i cant beat him because of terrors.. Is there any way i can get confettis in this point of as i dont want to miss any boss or mini boss along the way!! (ive taken all the confettis in the storyline uptil now)

    submitted by /u/Midnightcowb0y
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