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    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    Sekiro - That damn third phase..

    Sekiro - That damn third phase..

    That damn third phase..

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:42 PM PST

    She wanted to help but got bored rather quickly

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:33 AM PST

    *screaming intensifies

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:40 PM PST

    I Made a Sekiro-Inspired Cocktail for my Videogame-Themed Cocktail Menu This Season - Shadows Die Twice

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:32 PM PST

    Finally beat the game. What a spectacular experience. Thanks for your help, everyone.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:57 PM PST

    Opinion: Grabs put a damper on an otherwise flawless combat system

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:00 PM PST

    Having replayed Sekiro countless time, I have come to the conclusion that grabs are the only part of the combat system in this game that are not up to snuff; where jabs and sweeps have clear and reliable methods to counter them, the response to grabs tend to be a bit too fickle.

    Face-Jumping tends to be the most reliable counter, however in the middle of a fight that maneuver can be imprecise and certain enemies do not provide the time to read the attack and get in position to use it, likewise dodging is often feels like a crapshot due to hitboxes wondering well beyond the actual grab animation of several enemies. (Looking at you, Ema)

    I feel grabs could have used either more polish in their implementation or the introduction of a more reliable core moveset to counter them. (Yes I am aware that certain prosthetics can deflect grabs, but I am specifically referring to the core movesets of Sekiro that can be pulled of at any time, not individual prosthetics he may or may not have equipped and selected at that time)

    But, that's just my analysis I suppose. What are your thoughts?

    TLDR: I love the combat in the game, but certain grabs completely break sense of flow.

    submitted by /u/ArchitectNebulous
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    A little issue i have with sekiro.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:43 PM PST

    It's probably just me who is weird, but when I completed Dark Souls i was like what a journey and then when I completed this game i thought that it was just another good game. It probably just me who is weird but i didn't really feel that much when I completed this game.

    submitted by /u/hara0329g
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    Finally beat Inner Genichiro!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:45 PM PST

    In Reflection of Strength.

    Now let's try on the gauntlet so I can get the Sakura Dance.

    Wish me luck.

    submitted by /u/YharnamHuntter
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    i recently gave sekiro a second chance and OH MY GOD i love it

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:16 PM PST

    So ive been a big fan of fromsoft games since ds2 , ive finished every soulsborne game exept demon souls(goddamn ps5 shortage) . When i first got sekrio i really hated it bcus they removed a lot of the rpg elements i loved abt the souls series and i was unfairly critical of the game . I got to hirata estate and dropped the game (i really dont remember why). I recently tried replaying it and OH MY GOD sekiro may be my fav from game of all time ,Once you master the parry system the game gets soooo fukn fun.

    submitted by /u/whozaatt0311
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    Corrupted Monk Executed (ft. continuous combo)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:38 AM PST

    Hanbei says he’s gonna talk to the sculptor before you kill him

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:10 PM PST

    I really wish we could've heard it, or Atleast have the sculpture talk about how we helped him after killing him. One of the few things that disappointed me. Great game.

    submitted by /u/JxyXxn
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    The Tengu, Hunting the Biggest Rat in Ashina, a.k.a. Owl (repost because the orginal title was in broken english lol)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:28 AM PST

    About the Gauntlet of Strength: Shura..

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:19 PM PST

    How do I finish this one? I know that you can't beat Isshin Ashina and the DoH on the same playthrough, so you have to go in another playthrough to do it. But wouldn't that mean doing it all over again? I'm new to these changes, started about a week ago, so sorry if I sound like an idiot.

    submitted by /u/manIfeelweird
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    All I can say is wow.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:16 PM PST

    It's late to see a post like this, but I picked up the GOTY Edition over my holiday break and just finally beat the final boss.

    This game is a masterpiece.

    When I finished Dark Souls, I didn't bother going back and replaying it. This game on the other hand, I just might have to.

    submitted by /u/FiniteLotus9
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    O’rin of the Waters

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:08 PM PST

    Listen I dont know who the hell developed O'rin, played against her and decided shes NOT an extraordinary foe but they were dead wrong. Like shes probably the hardest boss iv come up against so far in my opinion. I find her so difficult I looked up how to cheese her only to be disappointed to find it was patched out. For the record i generally don't cheese bosses but damn O'rin is too much. If anyone has some advice on beating her or an easy way i can get some divine confetti or snap seeds so that I'm not too scared to use it all up id really appreciate the help!

    submitted by /u/MizterE
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    [DS3: Blades of Ashina mod WIP] Talon of Hatred power stancing, Demon transformation, and concussive roars

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:14 AM PST

    Part 2 of my expanded idea for a Genichiro dlc

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:23 PM PST


    Act 1

    Genichiro now recovering from his defeat at the castle, would start his adventure in the ashina border near where the fight with Gyoubu Oniwa takes place as Wolf never explored behind that area. Genichiro would first need to prevent succumbing to the insanity caused by red-eyes. After his recovery he gets a new set of armor similar to what he has in his concept art with it being lighter compared to his old armor. To start off his adventure he must first help deal with several beasts and apparitions that are plaguing the bowls of ashina outskirts so the ashina troops can focus on the invasion by the interior ministry so Genichrio must explore the wildlands of ashina to deal with the problem. This would act as a tutorial to help the player learn how Genichrio fights.

    Enemies in act 1 would mostly consist of several monsters and spirit enemies such as giant spiders and wild dogs and would have a couple mini bosses such as headless and hidden lone shadows who are scouting the area looking for paths into ashina.

    The first mini boss Genichiro faces are a trio of headless and Genichiro must use a combination of sword and bow skills to win against them. The headless after their defeat gives an item that allows Genichiro to give his weapons a divine confetti like effect to increase damage against apparition enemies though unlike in the base game divine effects only boost damage against apparition type enemies.

    Genichiro then encounters a lone shadow who is scouting the area looking for a potential place for the interior ministry to set up a camp and defeating the lone shadow grants access to an item that acts as a fire grenade to help against beast enemies which serves as replacement for firecrackers.

    For normal bosses Genichiro would battle against 2 monsters who are based on yokais in japanese folklore the first being a giant skeleton monster called Gashadokuro who is similar to High Lord Wolnir and the giant serpent so it would requires Genichiro to climb to a high place to avoid it as its large size makes it impossible to face it head on. Next would be a woman who appears to be lost in the wildlands and ask Genichiro to help find a way out however this is an ambush as the woman is in fact a spider monster who is based on the yokai legend of Jorōgumo and she acts somewhat like amygdala. Defeating her grants Genichiro an item to give him poison based attacks.

    Side Note

    The guardian ape makes a cameo appearance in this section of the story as at one point Genichiro sees the ape in the area that Wolf will soon come to.

    Act 2

    With the forces of the interior ministry now rapidly approaching, Genichrio would then begin to launch an offensive move against the ministry clearing a path for ashinas forces. He would proceed to face several of the interior ministry's combat units who are far stronger than the red guard troops that Wolf faces at ashina castle. After dealing with several red guard troopers, he would have to then face a red guard commander who serves as the father gascoigne of the dlc where he has several tricky moves that also do fire damage and he would require you to have learned the games mechanics to beat him. Since there is no stealth mechanics and because he has several lone shadows at his side the player will have to take all of them on at once. After defeating him, Genichiro gains the interior ministry combat art skill tree allowing him to enhance his attacks with fire based abilities and it contains passive abilities to enhance his status enhancing items. Genichiro would then have to defend return to the ashina border base to defend it from a wave of red guards.

    Act 3

    Now realizing that his battle with the ministry's forces was just the first of several dozen waves, Genichrio now knows the ashina forces have no chance of stopping the interior ministry in their current state so he must now seek the black mortal blade in the hopes that with its power ashina would be able to fight off the ministry. He would first need an artifact to reach the fountainhead palace so he heads to the inner sections of the abandoned dungeon where the artifact is which have been infested with several interior ministry scouts who have snuck in and several red-eye infected ashina troopers who have gone insane and Genichiro must fight through them. The area would be dark and spooky in nature with a few jump scares happening to spook the player.

    After obtaining the artifact he heads for the divine realm.

    Side Note

    Since I'm still writing the final section, I'll post it later once I'm done and it will be for the endings of this story.

    submitted by /u/Alexcoolps
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    Useful Remnant

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:23 PM PST

    Has a game ever made you hate an insect ever purely because of that game...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:20 PM PST

    never thought my answer to that question would be yes... fuck you sekiro

    submitted by /u/jakdacorgis
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    Can't get myself to play other games after completing Sekiro

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:23 AM PST

    Recently completed Sekiro (platinumed, finished all the inner bosses). I tried to play new games but just could not. Seeking new game recommendation from those that suffered from Sekiro withdrawal...

    submitted by /u/chuchumuffin
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    Move set changes in relation to posture

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:04 PM PST

    So most people know that certain bosses have dialogue when they reach around half posture. Genichiro way of Tomoe is probably the most well known. However, I've also noticed that it seems like normal Genichiro's move set also changes at half posture, or one specific move in particular. Before he hits half posture, he will jump back sometimes after he deflects, and just stand there. However, after around half posture, he will always follow up the jump back with the four arrow combo. This is the only move set change I've noticed due to posture, so I was wondering if there are any more. Of course, it could just be RNG and there actually isn't a change in the behavior of the boss.

    Edit: I've just remembered another move set change, this one tied to vitality rather than posture. Guardian Ape will not do the the leaping grab at above half vitality. Additionally, his behavior after the stagger -> knocked backward changes. At above half vitality, he will run back and do the roar which you can grapple. Below half vitality, he simply runs back toward you and does the leaping grab.

    submitted by /u/TotallyCultured
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    beginner tips

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:00 PM PST

    start out remapping the deflect button to the fastest button you can mash

    maybe you can mash a button faster than a bumper

    get used to that early on

    submitted by /u/gnarfler
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    How to properly deflect lady butterfly attacks

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 10:11 PM PST

    I can't seem to deflect her attacks properly

    submitted by /u/doffyxyz
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