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    Sunday, February 28, 2021

    Sekiro - Isshin age 24

    Sekiro - Isshin age 24

    Isshin age 24

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:20 AM PST

    Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Butterfly Knife. Ink drawing by me.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:37 PM PST

    Defeating Isshin charmless, bell demon, no healing every day until Elden Ring is out (day 6)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:06 AM PST

    I wonder how many people actually have this console

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:51 AM PST

    Beating Inner Genichiro without Sakura Dance

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:02 PM PST

    Don't know if it is a known thing, but found out you can sneak up on this unsneakable dude if you turn around and come back

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Princess Mononoke

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:28 PM PST

    Just watched the movie and googled to see if this has been brought up before. I was not surprised to find that there are older threads about it but there were a surprising number of comments that dismissed the parallels between the two works as coincidental and not very much discussion of the topic. I hoped to maybe strike up more discussion here.

    For starters, the gun fort basically rules out the possibility of coincidental elements due to shared influence from Japanese folklore. I don't think there are other examples of matriarchal communities of bandaged riflemen living in wooden forts. It's pretty specific. That said, I thought there were many more parallels and I think at least some of them were direct inspirations.

    Aside from that, both works contain; A protagonist who suffers an injury to his arm that ultimately grants him superhuman power, A mystical creature that comes from the West, bringing corruption, Giant divine animals, some of which are corrupted, Giant boars in particular, Seemingly sentient apes, Short, stout government agents, A human faction that has made their fortune from a resource specific to the locality, with dire unforeseen consequences, A government plotting to seize the area because of that wealth, eventually deploying the military to that end.

    There's also the fact that Sekiro is referred to as Wolf in many cases and the importance of wolves I'm PM, but I'll admit that one is a stretch.

    Have I missed anything? Anyone have any thoughts on the folklore both works might be drawing from?

    submitted by /u/dentalplan24
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    Ive been stuck on isshin the sword saint for multiple days now.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:30 PM PST

    I've been grinding isshin today and I've gotten so close to killing him TWICE and I died both times. Now I just feel like shit because I could've beaten him hours ago and I've been trying to kill him for multiple days now. It takes forever to get back to his final phase. The worst feeling is when you just did pretty good fighting him and got to his third phase and end up dying to way of tomoe on your next run. It's happened to me so many times I've lost count. This is probably the hardest from soft boss I've fought. On one hand I feel like I've gotten a lot better at the boss but I'm the other it's so hard to beat. When I fought orphan of kos in bloodborne it probably took me like 3–4 hours to beat it and whenever I died it felt bad, but it didn't feel like it was gonna take forever to get him back to his last phase.


    submitted by /u/P3T3R-GR1FF1N
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    Sometimes I’ll be farming and realize there’s a stunning view I haven’t taken in (first play-through)...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 07:36 PM PST

    Full Collection of Sekiro Skill Wood Burnings (So Far)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:46 PM PST

    So satisfying after about 100 tries. Now for the inner ishin fight ��

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 01:16 PM PST

    Useful facts about Sekiro blade effect

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 10:14 AM PST

    • Divine Confetti blade effect lasts 1 minute
    • Lazulite Sacred Flame blade effect lasts 20 seconds
    • Flame Vent (any) blade effect lasts for 7 seconds

    (Skip to last paragraph for info related to Snap Seed vs. Lazulite Sacred Flame)

    Made this post because I'm guessing that most people would reasonably assume that the Lazulite Sacred Flame blade effect (LSFBE) would last just as long as the Flame Vent blade effect (FVBE), which after testing isn't the case. I also have some recommendations when fighting apparition bosses or bosses that use terror, that are backed up with information acquired from some boss testing that I did.

    After doing some tests against Headless, I've concluded that the LSFBE is just as potent as the Divine Confetti blade effect. They both did equal damage against Headless. The Lazulite Sacred Flame itself also did the same amount of damage as one sword swing with the Divine Confetti/LSFBE, or almost 4 times as much damage (3.875 times to be exact) if fully charged. If you want to fully charge it you can absolutely melt the boss, but you have to be very close to him or it will only do 1x damage rather than 3.875x damage. Just be aware that it is very hard to pull off a full charge and not get hit, so make sure to bring plenty of Pacifying Agent if you are using this strategy.

    The most important find from this test was that the "r1" attack while using the Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella (PLU) did twice as much damage as the Divine Confetti/LSFBE. On top of this, it gives the player 100% immunity from Headless' attacks and only costs 1 spirit emblem (1 spirit emblem to deploy the umbrella and 0 spirit emblems to use the attack, although unlike the LSFBE, this blade effect is only active for a single sword swing), as opposed to the Lazulite Sacred Flame which costs 3 spirit emblems. While The fully charged Lazulite Sacred Flame does 1.875 times the damage of the PLU, still only costs 3 spirit emblems, and can still give you the LSFBE, the PLU is a far safer option and can still get the job done while leaving you with plenty of spirit emblems to spare.

    I would say that although you can technically get more damage/spirit emblem out of the LSBFE (assuming that you can get more than 5 hits in 20 seconds after using the flame if you aren't fully charging it, as trying to use the LSFBE after the charged flame is extremely risky since the fully charged attack already gives Headless plenty of time to attack you), the PLU is still a better option, as it provides protection against Headless' attacks and terror build up. Since you will only really be using the PLU to counterattack, you are guaranteed to do damage with it, making it a far less risky investment of spirit emblems. You will only end up needing around half of your spirit emblems to kill a Headless using the PLU. The PLU also blocks the Shichimen Warrior terror building projectiles which works wonders in that boss fight.

    In conclusion, if you are looking for an alternative to Divine Confetti (as it can sometimes be hard to get your hands on), the LSFBE can be just as effective in terms of raw damage, and although it doesn't last as long as the Divine Confetti, it still lasts a full 20 seconds which can be plenty of time to put in some serious damage. In my opinion, the best option for fighting apparition bosses that do terror damage is still the PLU, as it provides physical and terror protection, which the Divine Confetti and LSFBE can't do either of. It also is a much safer investment of spirit emblems when compared to the LSFBE.

    On a side note related to the Lazulite Sacred Flame (LSF), the flame itself can do massive damage against the Corrupted Monk, doing just as much damage as a single Snap Seed. During a test that I did, I noticed that a fully charged blast from the LSF does the exact same amount of damage as a single Snap Seed. Since you can only use 3 Snap Seeds before they don't do damage anymore against the Corrupted Monk, the LSF is a great backup/alternative as long as you are fully charging it. The full charge does about double the damage as the quick charge and uses the same amount of spirit emblems.

    Thank you for reading

    submitted by /u/DaRealMilkMan
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    A Tip EVERY Player Should Know About Sekiro:

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:25 PM PST

    The Loaded Umbrella tool can block/deflect grab attacks.

    submitted by /u/x_-AssGiblin-_x
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    Killing Genichiro only with Gourds (Original Idea is from OngBal. I just tried it out)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:43 PM PST

    146 hours, 39 minutes, 46 seconds - Platinum finally achieved.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:25 PM PST

    After 110 hours I finally did it! 100%

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 02:39 PM PST

    Like how I managed to beat Isshin for the first time?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:20 PM PST

    70 hours and 2 minutes for the whole game.


    Tips welcome.

    submitted by /u/d_danuve
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    How a finally got a controller to work on Sekiro for PC - a Nintendo Switch wired controller (Horipad in my case).

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:47 PM PST

    My Xbox One and Xbox Series X controllers didn't work for Sekiro PC. I spent countless hours trying the litany of fixes posted online, including a few that destabilized my system. Then, after giving up, I submitted a Steam refund request which was promptly denied because I bought this game last summer and just got around to playing it recently.

    Then I decided to go buy a Nintendo Switch WIRED controller. Worked out of the box.

    Shame on Activision. I had to go buy two new and different controllers (Series X and the Horipad) before finding one that works.

    Also, if you're like me and haven't played COD in a while and are debating Cold War, don't. It sucks.

    *not sure how to edit titles, should say "How I..."

    submitted by /u/Flak-12
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    Demon of Hatred Boss Fight 2 (Sparking Axe,Ichimonji)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 08:54 PM PST

    Demon of Hatred: Exexuted

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 05:00 PM PST

    Every single boss in the game thus far have been relatively easy for me. I managed to beat them all within a couple of tries. However, this mf, this guy took me HOURS to beat. At first I thought I'd get him done within one gaming session. I was unsuccessful. Then due to some circumstances in my personal life, I took a three week break from gaming. I have come back, and finally beat this dude within one and a half hours. Greater joy has not filled me before. His bs hitbox and homing attacks really got on my nerves, and I'm supposed to be a very calm person. Definitely a top tier boss. Hopefully Isshin, since he has a smaller figure and uses weapons, will be easier for me personally. Now all I have to do is remember how to parry attacks. How was the Demon of Hatred for you guys?

    submitted by /u/henrychristo27
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    Isshin Ashina fight.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:25 PM PST

    I've recently been struggling on the Isshin Ashina battle and I've got all his deflects down even if he still hits me sometimes.

    But the true problem is his second phase, I can counter...ANY of his fire attacks.

    I tried using Suzaku's fire umbrella for some of his attacks but I still got absolutely Annihilated.

    I've got no idea how to counter his flame attacks, but if anybody has any tips or tricks for his first phase too I'll be very grateful.

    I'm advance, I offer my most grateful thanks.

    submitted by /u/Environmental-Win836
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    Mortal Blade vs Dragons Blood

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 04:24 PM PST

    So back when I first beat the game, I was under the impression that even though the Mortal Blade can cut Kuro, it cannot kill him, however, after thinking it over more, that doesn't seem to be the case.

    In the story we're told of Tomoe and Lord Takeru, Tomoe obtained the Black Blade to sever Takeru's immortality but could not obtain the Dragon's tears as only the Red Blade can do so. However, the Black Blade can still harm those with the dragons heritage.

    Even though they lacked the tears, both Tomoe and Takeru died. This is because the Mortal Blade could still kill him, so Tomoe beheaded him as Lord Takeru said he would have her do. This killed Takeru, but the dragons heritage lived on.

    Kuro was born in Hirata with the Dragons heritage and yet, he is not from the divine realm like Takeru was. How? Playing in with the theme of Buddhism in Sekiro, Takeru was reincarnated as Kuro.

    So why do those with the Dragons heritage have to drink the dragons tears to sever immortality? To break the cycle of reincarnation. The Blades can indeed kill those with the Dragons heritage, but without the Tears, they'll just be reborn as someone else.

    But this also raises a question, in what ways can the blades kill the Divine Heirs? Obviously beheadings work, but could they also die from blood loss like when Genichiro stabbed Kuro? Must it be a fatal blow? Who knows.

    submitted by /u/MaleficTekX
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    An amazing take on an anime opening for Sekiro!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2021 06:12 AM PST

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