• Breaking News

    Monday, March 22, 2021

    Sekiro - Sekiro Speedrun Competition - [22/03 - 22/04]

    Sekiro - Sekiro Speedrun Competition - [22/03 - 22/04]

    Sekiro Speedrun Competition - [22/03 - 22/04]

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 04:02 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    Sekiro turns 2 years old tomorrow, and to celebrate this; we're holding a Speedrun Competition!

    With this speedrun, you'll go from the Tutorial to killing Gyoubu! (NG)

    In order to join in, you'll have to join our Discord server!!

    For a month (22/03 till 22/04) you'll be able to submit your runs in #ct-submissions; [ Note: This channel has a 6 hour slowmode, if you get locked out, you have to wait. ]

    So, that all sounds exciting, but I am sure you're wondering what's in it for you!

    Well, these are the rewards:

    {1st Place} - A special role/flair as well as a €30 gift card for the platform of your choosing.

    {2nd Place} - A special role/flair as well as a €10 gift card for the platform of your choosing.

    {3rd Place} - A special role/flair for the platform of your choosing.

    Of course, as with any competition, we have some rules and guidelines laid out so you know exactly what you can and cannot do!


    [1] The ogre and horse skip are not allowed.

    [2] You must kill all samurai minibosses throughout the run. (This is aimed to make the speedrun more combat oriented)

    [3] The Tutorial Boss does NOT have to be defeated.

    [4] Firecrackers will not be allowed. (We felt this made the run a bit too easy, and incentives creating different strategies)


    [1] No mods of any kind, this is in the spirit of competition and to make it fair to everyone. (This includes cosmetic mods)

    [2] Runs that were ran before 21/03 may not be submitted.

    [3] If you have multiple runs, please either edit OR delete your previous submission in #ct-submissions.

    [4] No splicing.

    submitted by /u/AOD_Saenai
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    Emma The Gentle Blade (by Yugo)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:36 AM PDT

    It makes me feel happy when I saw it

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:58 PM PDT

    "Intelligent" use of meme template.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:20 AM PDT

    Defeating Isshin charmless, bell demon, no healing every day until Elden Ring is out (day 28)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    Hallo, I Beat Great Shinobi Owl With One Hand, No Damage & While Eating My Potato Soup :)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:20 PM PDT

    Spilled it twice though because I'm a slob :'(

    I was legit hungry when I was fighting Owl XD

    submitted by /u/Rawhaki
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    Finally No Damaged the Mortal Journey Gauntlet! Made this trailer for it, full vid on my profile! ;)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    I beat guardian ape!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:47 AM PDT

    Yesterday I posted on this sub asking for tips on the boss and today I beat him! I am shaking right now but so happy

    submitted by /u/Alfboss2
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    How do I get the gauntlet and reflection of strength to work? I'm online with version 1.06, I've done research to see if anyone else has this issue so i feel like I'm doing something dumb. I've tried multiple save files even reinstalled the game but its not here help pls thx.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    DLC idea

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:29 PM PDT

    You play as a new character trying to save ashina from Sekiro after the Shura ending. Shura Sekiro is the final boss.

    submitted by /u/Escarpments-
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    If outfits had perks

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    Shura memory

    Replaces Kusabimaru with the black mortal blade giving you better reach and higher vitality and posture damage and replaces your thrust attack with red and black mortal draw allowing up to 4 powerful slashes with the 2 mortal blades.

    Fire damage resistance so you cannot be burned.

    Replaces combat arts with a grab attack that burns the target and deals heavy vitality damage via fire explosion. Only works aganst humanoid targets.

    Reason for perks

    As a shura it's expected that Wolf would be a monsters killing machine having immunity to fire just like the demon of hatred and he would wield both mortal blades and gain a powerful new fire attack fitting his new power as a shura. As for losing combat arts irs because I figured that since he is so focused on killing anything he comes across I assume he wouldn't put too much thought into skillful fighting and just using whatever weapon he has.

    Ashina Memory

    Increase defense against normal damage by 20%

    Half's status build up.

    Allows you to guard and deflect grab attacks.


    Cuts available spirit emblems in half.

    Increases damage gained from lightning attacks and you can't use lightning reversal.

    Air time is slightly lower making it harder to jump from sweep attacks.

    Reason for perks

    Since sculpter/Sekijo has more armor than Wolf it makes sense for him to have resistance aganst attacks so he would have better defenses at the cost of losing some offensive power.

    The increase damage from lightning and the loss of lightning reversal is that due to the armor likely being made of metal materials, it gets hit harder that electrical attacks and weighs you down more so you won't be able to jump as easily so jump attacking sweeps would be tricky and require better timing.

    As for having less available spirit emblems is due to Sekijo not having the same experience and loss during his time as a shinobi like Wolf as the latter failed his duty and Kuro was taken and since Sekijo didn't have the same feeling of failing his master the feeling of remorse doesn't come to him as easily as it does for Wolf. I know Sculpter lost his companion to the ape but I think during his time as a shinobi he didn't experience that yet so this fits.

    Memory of Tengu

    Replaces Kusabimaru with old Isshins sword which increases damage from all attacks by 20% and grants greater reach.

    All Ashina combat arts cost 0 spirit emblems and they are upgraded to the versions that old Isshin uses so stuff like Ashina Cross has greater reach than before.

    Half's max HP by 50%

    Prevents the use of prosthetic tools.

    This is meant to make you fight more like old Isshin so you are basically a glass cannon as old Isshin has great mastery on all Ashina combat arts while also not having any form of immortality and since you don't have any armor with this outfit your defenses have gone down badly but has granted greater combat arts as compensation so you can easily wreck your opponents but you die even more easily than before to balance it out.

    The lack of prosthetic tools use is due to Isshin not having it and this outfit is meant to make you feel more like your playing as old Isshin so these abilities fit into that idea.

    I know the memories of another outfits were meant to just be cosmetics since Sekiro doesn't have much customization but would the game have had better replay value if each outfit had unique perks and penalties for using them? Reason I ask is because I was a bit bummed out that only the divine heir gauntlet have you a new combat art.

    submitted by /u/Alexcoolps
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    Guardian ape second encounter

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:19 PM PDT

    I'm at the second encounter with the guardian and I'm having trouble I was wondering since I already have the mini village idol is this fight optional?

    submitted by /u/raguuly
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    How do I get the divine child to interact with me?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    I just started the game back up after about a year and beat owl at ashina. I'm going for the purification ending and have given the divine child the book and eaten the sweet rice and everything but when I try to interact with her it's like she's sick and says "oh you've come to see me I can't give you any rice. How do I fix this so she goes to the illusion place so I can get the frozen tears?

    submitted by /u/DigAHoleWithABear
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    I really love this game, but..

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    Does it annoy anyone else, just a little bit, that some of the bosses (mostly Owl) keep jumping backwards? Just ruins the momentum of the fight. He does it way too many times. It's not a huge deal or anything. Just wondering if it kind of annoys anyone else.

    Also, what would you guys think of another update that gives a mini-boss rush mode?

    submitted by /u/Ludwig45
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    What to expect in a charmless run?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 11:29 PM PDT

    I just beat the game for the first time a few days ago, doing the Purification ending. Best game I've ever played. I think I'm decent at the game, though definitely not an elite player. To give you a sense of my skill level, most bosses took me 8 to 12 attempts. Some notable exceptions were Genichiro on Ashina Castle, whom I beat on the first try, and Owl Father, who took me about 50 attempts.

    I just started NG+ charmless and it was going pretty well for a while. I made it past the first boss and about six mini bosses (Ogre, flaming bull, bunch of swordplay guys) with only one stupid death.

    I was going through Hirata Estate no problem, until I ran into the purple Lone Shadow Longswordsman who guards the Mist Raven upgrade. I know he's optional, and I already have the upgrade, but I figured I would go fight him just for fun.

    It hasn't been all that fun! He's been absolutely destroying me. I've tried a dozen times, and I could only beat him once when I accidentally cheesed him off the cliff. Is this enemy just particularly difficult in NG+? Or is this a sign of bad things to come?

    submitted by /u/stepuncle
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    Which From Software Game has the beat Hub

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 05:07 PM PDT

    Headless Guardian Ape. What's the best strategy?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 06:19 PM PDT

    How do you guys deal with them? To this day, I still don't have a good strat for fighting them. I bait the terror scream and then firecracker the brown ape and attack her, but even then, I feel like there has to be a more efficient way.

    submitted by /u/Ludwig45
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    How to get to ashina depths?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    I beat guardian ape and now I am wondering to where to go.So the npc said to go to ashina depths I think but how do I get there?

    submitted by /u/idkwhattonamethisra
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    Im thinking of buying Sekiro

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    Hey there! I recently platinumed Bloodborne and i loved it so much that i want to play other From Software games and the next one im thinking of buying is Sekiro. But i have some questions before doing this, cause i saw that it's kind of different to Bloodborne and i dont want to pay for something i wont like. The first thing i observed is that the community is pretty divided, and by that i mean that some people are saying the game is easy, some are saying it's hard and it needs an easy mode. So, is it really that hard that it must have an easy mode? Another thing i would want to ask the community is how similar is to Bloodborne? Like, i only saw gameplay, i haven't felt it, so on a scale to 1 to 10 how similar is it to the Bloodborne mechanics? And the last thing would be if the story of the game is clearer than the Bloodborne one, cause like i had to watch videos on youtube that were explaining the story of BB. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/billyyi
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    I am a new member here & looking forward to playing Sekiro next week.

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 05:35 PM PDT

    Hey guys. I am new here. Originally I was not interested in playing Sekiro but recently, the SoulsBorne itch got the better of me & I ordered the physical copy of the game.
    I will be playing it on my PS5 & I am looking forward to failing over & over for the next few months until I get good lol

    My favorite 2 SoulsBorne games are BloodBorne & Dark Souls 3. I make youtube videos as well.
    Where is Vaati V ?! lol

    submitted by /u/giggavega
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    Headless should drop better rewards

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 08:46 PM PDT

    Is it just me or are the spirit falls useless. For such hard enemies they drop garbage in terms of compensation.

    submitted by /u/_anish1
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    Deflection help

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    Hey guys I'm new to this page was just wondering if anyone had any pointers for deflection help just got the game a couple days ago and I find myself trying to play it like dark souls with dodging as my main defense. Any pointers in this area would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PeAcHeSGaBaGoO
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