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    Sunday, November 17, 2019

    Sekiro - I did this corrupted Monk. What do you think?

    Sekiro - I did this corrupted Monk. What do you think?

    I did this corrupted Monk. What do you think?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PST

    My favorite boss fight in the game. Definitely one the easiest but also one of the most gorgeous looking one. Kinda felt bad hurling lightning at it then shoving a blade into its eye

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:49 PM PST

    Guys I found the best spot to farm treasure carp scales

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:42 PM PST

    Everything revealed lore-wise in the Hanbei manga so far (6 chapters translated atm)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 03:03 PM PST

    The manga is directly supervised by From so I would wager that it is indeed considered canon. This list is here for people that are interested in the lore but don't want to bother reading the manga. We can also discuss the new informations introduced in the manga. I will divide the list in two parts. The first part being the informations given in the manga, the second being my speculations. If you would like to read the manga, it is currently available for free online on Yenpress' website. 6 chapters are translated so far.SPOILERS AHEAD: Stop here unless you plan to read the manga.

    Informations given in the manga:

    -Hanbei was one of Tamura's vassal. He was cut down shortly after he was killed by Isshin with an Ichimonji Double. Cleaved in two, he regains his consciousness but the battle is already over.Fast forward to present era (20 years after the coup) where Isshin is old and Ashina is threatened by the Interior Ministry. Most of the manga takes place during that time which is before the events of Sekiro.-Hanbei is just a vagabond. Wandering here and there without any purposes. He passes out from hunger and is rescued by a young widow living with her 2 younger brothers in a village close to the mountains of Ashina. They offer him to stay and he accepts.

    -Hanbei feels hunger and can pass out if he doesn't eat for a while. At some point when he gets cut down and doesn't die, he mentions that he's " 'Undying'. Some call it 'Infested'." It's not outright said in the manga but it's implied that his physical strength is outstanding despite the fact he's skin and bones.
    It is implied in a flashback that as a kid, when he was about to die of starvation, a Senpou Monk appeared and "infected" him with his centipede, making him immortal. He seems unable to remember what the monk did to him or why.
    Next flashback shows him as a young adult. In it, he gets cut down by Tamura during a battle between Tamura and Isshin. Tamura shouts upon seeing him stand back up "He won't die ?! I never imagined the stories were true !". Hanbei became Tamura's vassal after that battle and until Tamura died by Isshin's hands in another battle. He became infamous and nicknamed "The Undying" during that period.-Ashina is both the name of the region and the name of the clan led by Isshin. Ashina is described as "A land envelopped by a thick, stagnant air. Thick with legends of immortality".

    -The village where the manga takes place belongs to Takamine, the local lord. He's not from the Ashina clan but his clan has been ruling over this piece of the Ashina region for hundreds of years but he doesn't originate from Ashina. During Isshin's coup, he sided with the Ashina.Takamine had to send his heir to the Ashina as a political hostage after Isshin succeeded.The Interior Ministry attack surrounding villages quite often. Despite that, Takamine's soldiers are at Ashina castle, not the village that is defenseless. The villagers have to fight on their own.

    -Whenever someone disappears, the villagers say that they were "Spirited away". A phenomenon that happened to anyone that went to the mountain near the village. The ones responsible for the kidnappings were actually brigands that worked for Takamine. The brigands fled the mountain after being attacked by a red-eyed man disguising himself as a monkey. The man was a villager that was nicknamed "The Hermit". He was ostracized and was infamous for hunting and eating any wild animal. Especially monkeys. He's the first villager to have disappeared in the mountains.

    -The Hermit's physical strength is considered to be inhuman, able to cleanly slice a human in a single strike with one hand. He also uses 2 swords similar to the dual wielding white monkeys in the game. Unlike the red eyes met in-game, he's able to speak and reply properly. He however shares the same bloodthirst that the other "Red Eyes" possesses.-Hanbei mentions that he already heard of them when he was looking for a way to break his immortality. They were similar to him but not the same. And unlike him, they could die. He also knows that their weakness is fire.

    -Eventually, numerous monkeys appear led by the Guardian Ape himself. His appearance is similar to the one in-game with his face partially sliced and with the giant katana going through his throat. According to the Hermit, they are here for him. Most likely to punish him for all the monkeys he hunted and killed. The Hermit is devoured alive by the Guardian Ape. Afterwards, the Guardian Ape looks menacingly towards the other villagers before smelling something. He gazes towards Hanbei and after having confirmed his smell, leaves quietly.

    -It is revealed that most of the events that happened were caused by Doujun who works for Takamine. The kidnappings from the brigands were done to offer new specimens for Doujun and the Hermit was turned into a red eye by him.He explains "There is a stream of rejuvenating waters here in Ashina that flows from some mysterious source. A heavy concentration of these water is called a rejuvenating sediment. Any who ingest this obtain the power of a beast. They gain resistance to slashes and stabs. Making them incredibly difficult to kill. These... Are known as 'Red-Eyes'. If it could be created by human hands, one would not even need to fear the internal ministry."Doujun's experiment consist of trying to artificially turn people into red-eyes to use them for war. Unfortunately, his research is not going well and it's a shame that the Hermit escaped as he was a good subject.

    -Doujun is also aware of the centipedes and know their origin: "According to confucianism, insects that have consumed rejuvenating sediments and adapted can become special beings. A person who eats a beast who has eaten such an insect will rarely become an 'infested'. The insect will repair all damage to their body. Making them as close to immortal as possible."He then supposes that Hanbei could be an infested and he asks Takamine to bring him before Doujun. While the panel show the centipedes, Doujun seem to not know about them at all hence why he says insects instead of centipedes.

    -Doujun points out that Genichiro was aware during that time of Doujun's research and showed interest in them. Takamine took Doujun in in order to use doujun's research to defend his land against whoever wins between the interior ministry and the Ashina clan.Doujun wears the same attire but his clothes are clean and proper unlike the Doujun you meet in the game. He however still talks to his "master".


    Red-Eyes and Doujun:

    Doujun pretty much confirm that while Red-Eyes and Centipedes are differents, the origin is the same.The Hermit is somewhat different from the red eyes that you meet in-game however. He still has his wits but is affected by the same bloodthirst. It's hard to say however whether he's a different kind of "Red eyes" or that he hasn't been one for long.The fact that Doujun's research consist of artificially creating them can mean two things:

    1- Those "sediments" are actually very rare. He's looking into another way to turn people into Red-Eyes in order to make an army of them. This explains why you're sent to fetch the Red Carp Eyes for instance.

    2- Those sediments aren't rare but most of the time, the expected result is death. Doujun is looking for a way to guarantee the transformation into a Red-Eyes.

    The reason why Doujun says that losing the Hermit was a shame was because of the fact that despite he was a Red-Eyes, he still kept his wits. Unlike the Chained Ogres for instance who just can't be controled.
    None of this explain what's going on with Genichiro or Ujinari Mizuo (The elite blue robed samurai with red-eyes). Rather, the fact that the cause are the sediments themselves and that their effects is permanent implies that Genichiro's state was not temporary.To be frank, the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to believe that what's going on with Genichiro and Ujinari Mizuo isn't actually related to Doujun but in fact, Dogen. No reason for Doujun to turn himself into a red eye or drive Jinzaemon/Kotaro insane if he already knew a way to reap all the benefits without any of the disadvantages. Mizuo however fear fire while Genichiro doesn't. Could be that Genichiro is able to control it while Mizuo can't.

    Centipedes and Doujun:

    Doujun being unaware of what insect could make someone infested is surprising but it would give one more reason as to why you find so many cockroaches in the dungeon. He's hoping that they would eat the sediments and turns one of his subjects into an infested.That would mean that he's definetely not a Senpou monk however.

    The manga gives a lot of cool informations on the centipedes. Like it could be guessed in-game, they are parasites and heal their host in order to survive. Once they become big enough, they lay eggs and transfer the baby centipedes to a new host. You can see that in-game with the priests in Senpou who will spit centipedes in you when they grab you. The interaction between the Guardian Ape and Hanbei seem to implies that a host can smell another one and opt to leave them alone. Could it be that the centipede can influence its host ? Doujun, however mentions that the infestation process "rarely" happens. I wish he was more specific. What happens when it doesn't ? Do you die ? Or nothing happens ? Only the priests in Senpou temple are immortals while the other enemies there aren't.

    I'll stop writing for today. Already getting late here.

    If you would like to read the manga yourself, check Yen Press' website where you can read it for free. They release one chapter per month.

    submitted by /u/Magakix1
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    just beat great shinobi owl on ng+7, feelin good

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 10:13 PM PST

    Sekiro to RE2 as they're the only games with +90 score this year

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:25 AM PST

    Am I an epic gamer now?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:28 AM PST

    Isshin Ashina vs Genichiro Way of Tomoe duel!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:04 PM PST

    Sekiro / Star Wars

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 11:56 PM PST

    The combat style of sekiro could fit pretty nicely into a star wars context. Just an idea.

    submitted by /u/The_Capricoso
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    Finally Platinumed Sekiro

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PST

    after 102 hours, 57 minutes, and 18 seconds, i have finally platinumed Sekiro

    submitted by /u/Krillinthefail
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    I just cannot beat this game

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:13 PM PST

    I'm so sorry Miyazaki. I have been stuck on ashina elite jinsuke saze since this game came out. I'm only stuck on him because I can't fucking lay a hit on any of the other minibosses that are also available to me currently. It doesn't matter though because I just cannot effectively parry this guy. He kills me over and over with the same lunging double slash. Even if I manage to parry the first slash he hits me with the second one, I stagger, and it all goes downhill. I have had countless chances to learn how to time my L1s but I feel as helpless now as when this game dropped. Every two months or so I decide to give it another chance, hop on again, and get cut down 20 or so times before I decide to come back in another couple months. I didn't have this many deaths to orphan of kos and most people say this is one of the easiest minibosses in the game. This game makes me feel so fucking inadequate. To have conquered every other "souls-like" game in From's canon only to be stuck on a single move for half a year just feels humiliating. I was looking forward to this game more than any other title this year but I think it's time to admit this one just isn't on my wavelength. It hurts to say so, but it hurts less than the frustration of banging my head on a brick wall for half a year. I'm sorry for the rant I just have nowhere else to really express these feelings, I think Sekiro is a beautiful game and I'm happy so many people like it...I just wish I could be one of those people cuz I love souls games more than anything :(

    submitted by /u/indomafia
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    Has anyone been playing fallen order? If so, what difficulty do you think compares closest to this game?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:39 PM PST

    End game purple ninjas cheese

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:27 PM PST

    I'm on NG+ and have recently completed the Shura ending after the Purification ending. I'm looking to learn a few more skills before my next play through and since I did the Shura ending, Ashina Castle is the only place to grind. I managed to cheese just about everyone on that level except the purple ninjas on top of the roof tops near the top of the castle. Just wanting to know if someone knows how so I can get those extra XP as I try to level up.

    submitted by /u/nogard08
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    Does true corrupted monk hit twice on some hits?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:31 PM PST

    When I deflect some hits, notably her upswing. I get hit twice from 1 attack? Like it shows me deflect, and then lose health in the same attack. Why is this, and what can I do to beat her

    submitted by /u/LtWildDog
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    [Spoiler] Just got the game Sunday and finally getting good. But they got me. They fucking got me!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:44 AM PST

    I finally did it!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 08:00 PM PST

    After putting the game away for months, I finally decided it was a good time to hop back in as the Shinobi. The only problem is that the reason why I stopped playing in the first place was because of........Genichiro Ashina.

    Well, that lightning throwing bitch is finally dead!!! My hands are still shaking. It took me about 10 tries this time and I could not be happier! I've planinumed Bloodborne and think Sekiro is straight up the hardest game I've ever played. It's taking forever to get over the reflex to dodge and smack the booty but I'm finally getting there.

    Anyways, I'm gonna get back into it and keep pushing through. Just thought I'd share.

    submitted by /u/KnuckleMyAsshole
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    Dragon Rot Issue

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:15 PM PST

    So Ive been playing through the game. I have gotten dragonrot for the old lady and sculptor. I used the blood droplet in my inventory but it only cured the old lady so i used another one to cure the sculptor, but it didnt go away for him. I realized I had to get a blood sample for the temple lady so i went back to the old woman to get one but she died. So does the sculptor just permanently have rot or do i have to wait to get more people infected so I can get a sample from them. I tried looking at dialogue options for the sculptor and at this point i have sake and should be able to offer it to him or the other temple lady but neither option is available. Anyone know what to do if I run into this situation?

    submitted by /u/juxxer98
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    I’m having to chip damage bosses to death because it’s literally impossible to break their posture

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 07:06 PM PST

    Does anyone else regularly do this? Some bosses regen posture so quickly that it feels completely pointless to even try to break it

    submitted by /u/Ahappyogre
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    Has Sekiro ever gone on sale on Steam?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    I've never seen a sale for it and I'm itching to buy the PC version as I dont want to play the PS4 version anymore.

    submitted by /u/PowahBOMB
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    finaly won against Genichiro in Ashina

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 06:22 AM PST

    After 1 hour I finally did it, I'm so happy to defeat Genichiro in Ashina !!

    I didn't have so much fun in a game since a very very long time.

    My nervs needed a break and thought I would share my happinness

    To the others strunggling, never give up and enjoy :)

    submitted by /u/sof_m
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    Which bosses are possible to beat blindfolded? (With vocal assistance)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Vocal assistance basically being someone telling you if you're locked on.

    Gyobu - Beatable

    Lady Butterfly - Beatable

    Genichiro - Surprisingly easy

    Guardian Ape - ?

    Folding screen monkeys - doubt it

    Corrupted monk - maybe, sorta cheese-able with firecracker spam and fistful of ash.

    Owl - Maybe

    Headless Ape - Maybe

    True Monk - Doubt it

    Divine dragon - probably

    DoH - doubtful

    Father (Owl) - Will be very difficult if possible

    SSI - doable, or so I've heard

    IS - probably doable

    Thoughts? I'll start trying to beat the rest (I beat the first three) when finals are over.

    submitted by /u/OnePunchFan8
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    Any trips for fountainhead palace?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:03 PM PST

    saw this dude's video on sekiro and felt like it deserves more views

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Want to kill as many bosses as I can before going into NG+2, can you go back and do them after the final boss?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 01:53 PM PST

    i did the shura ending my first playthrough so it ended pretty early, does the game end right after you kill isshin sword saint or can you go back and do things like demon of hatred?

    submitted by /u/FUCKUSERNAME2
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