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    Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Sekiro - I’m not sure if this has been done before but I made a funny. I think

    Sekiro - I’m not sure if this has been done before but I made a funny. I think

    I’m not sure if this has been done before but I made a funny. I think

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Sekiro in a nutshell

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    Didn't know if this was posted here or not so thought I'd do it. Wolf drinking sake with Emma and Kuro playing with the Senpou divine child. Original art by deviantart.com/wlop

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    Killing Emma just to get to Isshin

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    Can't say how many times this saved my ass trying to run away too

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    “Imagine the the chicken nuggets you could make” - my wife

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Owl Father, NG+7 Charmless/Demon Bell, No Damage (Aggressive Combat)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    Just a man performing the Empowered Mortal Draw

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Finally beat ishhin after 2 hours of dying

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    finished this game and thought of making a edit for this masterpiece.hope u guys like it

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I did it !!! I beat the game with 0 true deaths

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Don't have any proof but it feels amazing

    Next playthrough I'll go for no resurrections

    submitted by /u/QCWiggins
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    Pulling off the wings of the Butterfly Lady for the first time ever... grab a hell of a snap!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Tip: You can use the Phoenix Umbrella to deflect and counter attack Genichiro's Mortal Blade

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:30 PM PDT

    Sekiro is linked to Elden Ring......

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    So I've seen so many numerous people trying to link Sekiro world/lore to Dark Souls, but I believe it's linked to Elden Ring instead... Think about it, the divine dragon and the dragons heritage are firmly confirmed to come from the land of the west.. However, resurrection is vastly different from the hollow curse we know from the Dark souls series. There's also no mention of souls, or power from souls, even when defeating the divine dragon, which again comes from the west. I believe Roberto, or the Armor clad knight, is further proof of this idea.. He seeks to cure his sons illness, and brings him to Ashina in search of the rejuvenating waters.. If the son suffered the major Souls game illness, it would be the curse of un death, and seeking a path to immortality would be the LAST thing you'd see as a cure to that. Not to mention if he WAS trying to cure a curse/illness of un death he would venture to Londor or the associated lands to the legend of Undeath at the time. We ALSO have seen decaying flesh or rotting flesh in the Elden Ring trailer, which seems much more like an illness than a curse. There's also very subtle hints to my theory as well, such as lightning being the all powerful element in Sekiro, while we see lightning sparks as a main detail in the trailer for Elden Ring. It should also be worth noting that fire isn't highlighted in the Elden Ring trailer at all, and it's nothing more than an element in Sekiro as well (the only exception being Shura). QWhile lightning could be associated to Gwen or dark souls there's a very easy explanation. In Sekiro lightning ONLY comes from the sky, or is imbued into an item (sword, arrows, balls of Okami) and NEVER summoned from an individual and used on its own. Also, the only "ring" type item we find in Sekiro, is the Malcontent Ring, which is a VERY special item, while in DarkSouls rings are common enchanted or imbued items found in abundance. We also know that Elden Ring takes place in a western style world that has been ravaged by something, and the Divine Dragon is directly described as "Fleeing" from the west. The easiest connection of course, is that in the Elden Ring trailer we see very clearly a warrior attaching some sort of "prosthetic arm", and more specifically it's the opposite arm of Sekiro's prosthetic arm.

    This is still just an educated speculation so feel free to tell me how I'm wrong, or how you agree!

    submitted by /u/ConsideredCorrect
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    When boy tried playing around with his dad ��

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Is this possible??

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    So I went about doing the purification ending where you fight Owl in Hirata estate but my friend let me know I also did certain circumstances to obtain the return ending. If I end the game with Dragon Tears, Everblossom, and Divine Tears, do I technically get both endings? Thx in advance

    submitted by /u/joe_mama45
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    Parry this!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:48 AM PDT

    Flawless Victory on Shinobi Hunter Enshin (Feat One Mind Combat Art)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:26 PM PDT

    Did anyone remember how absolutely broken High Monk was?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I have finally beaten owl!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    He was by far the hardest boss I've ever fought! I beat him and had some sake in celebration of beating him!

    submitted by /u/brabadah
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    Once again stuck on Jouzou, looking for tips

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    So after bouncing off Sekiro hard not long after lunch, I decided to give it another go. I've been teaching myself how to Parry in the Souls games and felt more confident, and I figured that since I bounced equally hard off of the Souls games originally...you know, why not?

    I'm happy to say I am having a notably better time than before. However I'm now once again banging my head against the same wall as before, which is the fight with Jouzou the Drunkard.

    I'm having a very tough time, especially with how slowly his posture bar fills up, and while I'm taking a little break I figured I'd ask if anybody had any advice for dealing with this SOB. Thanks in advance :)

    submitted by /u/lostintheschwatzwelt
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    I came. I saw. How I beat the game I'll never know (Spoilers obv. Also cussing).

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 06:44 PM PDT

    I've really only made this account because *fuck me running*, I beat the game. My first FromSoft game. God. Damn.

    I'mma give a rundown, mostly to vent.

    - 1st Genichiro fight: Died in 5 seconds. Genichiro was shit-talking me and I was like 'yeah that's fair'.

    - General 1: Died a lot.

    - Ogre: My *only* point of pride is that I was never yeeted off the cliff.

    - General 2: Died a lot a lot.


    - Gyoubo: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. 20 tries as a ballpark figure. I somehow got the rhythm down pretty consistently in the end. If I'd known how essential actually *parrying* was as opposed to deflecting I might have had an easier time.

    - Flaming Bull: Nope.

    Went to Hirata Estate. Axe became only prosthetic I kind of liked.

    - Spear Guy: Bastard.

    - Juzou the Drunkard: Got beaten like a punk, cheesed it by running around and darting in for an opening. This has been my playstyle so far, and even when it changed I still stuck to this tack for similar bosses.

    Lady Butterfly: Died loads. Realized I was holding onto Gyoubo's battle memory because I was worried I'd have to fight him again. Used it. Whirlwind Slash. Dead in 1 minute.

    - Flaming Bull: FIRECRACKERS!

    - General 3 with gunmen: Lure him away from gunners, play aggressive. Victory.


    - Hitokiri Battousai: Can't dodge. Can't deflect. Don't know what to do. Look it up and realize parrying is important. Break posture through pure parrying, skewer the bastard.

    This, ladies and gents, is where I made my first fifteenth drastic mistake. You'd think I'd fight Genichiro next, right? See, I didn't know what would happen after I fought him, figured it was a point of no return, figured I'd get some travelling done first.

    - Ashina Spear at Moonview Tower: Died twice. Played aggressive. Somehow lucky enough to dodge under all the swipes. Victory.

    Went through Senpou temple.


    - Armoured Robert: Fuck you I have an axe.

    - Long Arm Centipede Giraffe: Firecrackers. Ducking in for hits. Ran out of emblems. Used grappling hook to drop down with a couple of hits then run away and repeat ad nauseum. Forgot an important lesson (PARRYING). Yelped like a bitch a few times (The next Long Arm post Genichiro was not a problem BECAUSE I REMEMBERED TO FUCKING PARRY OH MY GOD IT WAS SO EASY I'M AN IDIOT).

    I was disappointed with only getting the Senpou skill tree at the end of the temple. Felt annoyed, realized I might need to come back later. So then I go down the well in Ashina reservoir because I saw a miniboss there and figured it was important.

    - Lone Shadow Longswordsman Camera: Bastard. Dodged attacks and read him. I don't know how. Was a flash of zen and inspiration, and then it was gone. 10 tries maybe? The others like him later on were a pain but not worth mentioning, tbh.

    - Shichimen Warrior: Killed me three times. Then I realized it's piss easy if you have divine confetti, run around towards him in a spiral when he teleports/jumps. From then on, every Schichimen Warrior in existence became my \bitch*.*

    - Snake Eyes Shira-Fuckface: Ran around and ducked in for hits. Took ages. Yes, I forgot parrying was essential.

    - Mist Noble:

    - O'Rin: I learned that parrying was important. Also that Sabimaru is useful. Also the fuck man how the fuck can she cover distance so quic-

    - 1st Corrupted Monk: Honestly I have no bleeding idea how I won. Like, I'm drawing blanks. How the fuck did I win? I don't know. I know I died a lot and that's it.

    I realized at this moment that I might have been going about this ass backwards, so I decided to fight Genichiro.

    - Genichiro rematch: 5 tries. Relative cake walk after O'Rin and Monk. Lightning of Tomoe form was minced first try.

    - Folding Screen Monkeys: This took way longer than I'm ready to admit.

    - Guardian Ape: Know what, I'd killed the first form so quickly with the firecrackers first time around that I'd avoided the poop. Then second form killed me and I learned why everyone hated first form. Also poop. Cheesed second form by running around attacks and chipping away. Took ages. Who knows how many tries. The rematch later on was done less like a bitch (three tries).

    - Great Shinobi Owl: I tried to beat him fair and square, honest, I did. But I got bored and used the Mortal Draw to punish openings, made the fight waaaay easy. Started using it as a crutch before I started feeling it was too slow.

    Honestly this next part is a bit of a blur. I remember hitting the Demon Bell and deciding to commit to it until the end of the game. Was wandering around grinding aimlessly before deciding I'd follow through with Emma post Geni rematch. Got to Hirata Estate ver.2.

    - Owl (Father): This zip-zippy, shadow-vaulting, target lock dodging, firebird tossing, teleporting, Ichimonji feinting motherFUCKER. Still defaulted to Mortal Draw for whenever I found openings, partly out of habit from last Owl fight, but also because it helped give some breathing room with the range. I'll say this though, one thing I take personal pride in: That Ichimonji that he'll jump out of if you move too quick? Learned to stay just out of his range right in front of his face as a personal 'fuck you' every single time he'd swing down, with him missing by an inch, or I'd casually walk to avoid the hit. Managed to nail that almost every single time. Then I'd hit the bastard.

    At this point I figured it was about time to go to the Fountainhead Palace.

    - True Corrupted Monk: Know what? After a fair few deaths the first phase became easy, would consistently take her down a notch in 30 seconds using just the parries. Also Ichimonji Double worked a treat. Then the deathblow strat for the second node made the fight *almost* trivial. 3 phase was a pain due to her poise, so I ran around and ducked in for hits. Cheesy? Yes. Effective? Yeah.

    - Okami Captain: Honestly kept fucking up the lightning parries because the windup was so long. I mean, they didn't kill me. Did make me look like a dumbass tho.

    I tried to fight the Great Carp. I could not fight the Great Carp. I tried a second time to fight the Great Carp. Alas, even a second time, I could not fight the Great Carp. Though, I did know a big badass Dragon Fight was coming up so I figured I'd vamoose and kill all the Headless just in case I lost the chance. Less art and more brawling scuffles while I quaffed heals and Divine Confetti. Still, it worked.

    - Divine Dragon: ...yeah the Dragon killed me more than a couple of times. If you're wondering why, look at the title my friend.

    - Hitokiri Battousai 2, Electric Boogaloo: Yeah I wanted to do the perfect parry but after a few tries I went 'fuck it' and wrecked him with a Yashariku and Sparking Axe combo. I maintain that Axe is best girl after Emma.

    - Other Ashina Spear: More tries than I'd like admitting, wanted to replicate the luck I had with the other Ashina Spear. No dice. Bestowal Ninjutsu. Also I learned that the followup attack from the Mikiri counter was a boon, not a pain.

    - Demon of Hatred. My God. Demon of Hatred. This guy. This fucking guy. This *fucking guy*. THIS FUCKING GUY. I wasn't even satisfied when I killed him.

    It was at this point that I ran out of things to kill, and I was sad, because it meant I'd have to go to the end boss and get pistol-whipped. But also because there wasn't really anything else to kill with my sword. I could have killed the Great Carp, but alas, if I could not fight the Great Carp in combat, what was the point? The Great Carp would live. Still killed that Dogen weirdo though way back. That man wasn't right.

    - Last fight: Did eventually git gud enough to fairly consistently trounce Geni (died a *lot*, admittedly) and first phase Sword Saint (weirdly not as much dying), quite often without damage scored against me. I don't think I ever fully sussed his patterns with the spear, but goddamn am I glad he decided to spam the lightning when I got to the last phase a second/third time. I'll say this though: I adopted a new kiai for whenever he'd charge a horizontal slash.



    submitted by /u/MisterDuckerDude
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    After 2 Months of Hard Grinding, I'm So Excited to Share w/ You Guys That I Have Officially Beat Sekiro Without Ever Being Hit (All Perfect Parries).. Proud Moment For Me.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:23 AM PDT

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