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    Saturday, December 26, 2020

    Sekiro - Screw you owl

    Sekiro - Screw you owl

    Screw you owl

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:56 PM PST

    I hope your swords are ready

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:36 AM PST

    Corrupted Monk Quick Kill

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:26 PM PST

    Fighting the guardian Ape

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:43 PM PST

    Coming back in ng+ and this guy just didn't even care to try.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Holy Shit I beat Genichiro!

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:54 PM PST

    Got this game on sale two days ago and am enjoying the hell out of it! Think it's my favorite fromsoft game I've played so far (only played DS1 and BB). Yesterday I was getting my ass kicked by lady butterfly, but today on the second try I killed her. The demon horse guy wasn't too tricky for me to beat with the firecrackers and I think I got him on the second or third try. Then I got to Genichiro and thought there was no way I was beating him today, but I beat him on my tenth or eleventh try, and I feel like the shit right now! I know the game is gonna throw way harder bosses at me in a little, but I'm just going to enjoy this feeling for now. Just had to talk about how much I'm enjoying the game. Best combat in a video game I've ever played. It feels like you're in a samurai movie every fight, even fighting regular enemies.

    And also fuck that Seven spears guy and all the other generals. I found those fights to be more annoying and difficult then the bosses I've fought so far.

    submitted by /u/nw32
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    Jesus Christ this game is so good.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:12 PM PST

    The combat is so fucking fun and makes me feel like a total badass. Also this game makes me sweat insane amounts

    submitted by /u/DiaryoftheOriginator
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    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:54 AM PST

    With a straight face, you’re telling me you gather one handful of rice per harvest? #shurakentime

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 08:10 PM PST

    After so long, I have finally beaten the hardest boss out of all of these soul games

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:20 PM PST

    After so many deaths and so much torment, losing hope multiple times, I have finally beaten the hardest boss in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, The Mist Noble

    submitted by /u/idalog
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    Why was there no Sekiro dlc?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:17 PM PST

    I heard Miyazaki said something on the topic but I have no clue why they didn't make any dlc for this game

    submitted by /u/Beeniemcg
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    I love this game for being so different

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:49 PM PST

    I love the setting and how combat feels so engaging and interactive. Fights feel like actual fights and I really love it. I think Sekiro is such an incredibly well designed game.

    I could immediately tell FromSoftware designed Sekiro with a conscious effort to be different from their previous games. From the combat, to progression, and the narrative. I feel that they knew some players would probably need time to adapt to combat and that's why they included the practice area at Dilapidated Temple.

    Admittedly I had trouble learning the combat at first. I kept trying to play like it was Souls or Bloodborne. Then Sekiro said "Nah, son. That ain't gonna work." I had to completely relearn everything I thought I knew about FromSoftware games. And that's awesome.

    I applaud FromSoftware for doing something different and developing an entirely new combat system. If they kept doing the same thing over and over, people would accuse their games of being stale. So I love how Sekiro pretty much throws everything I learned about Souls and Bloodborne out the window. I love how different and fresh this game feels.

    Every boss feels like a completely new challenge. None of them can really be handled the same way. This game is much deeper than rolling around behind a boss and slashing it in the back before rolling away again. So going into a boss fight feels compelling and exciting. I don't feel so confident facing a boss for the first time because I know it will be entirely different from the last. Which is great. This game keeps me on my toes more so than any previous FromSoftware title.

    I think that Sekiro is probably the most challenging FromSoftware game I've played yet (in a good way). I like how important guarding and parrying are. I like how fights are based on breaking posture instead of chipping away HP. I like that counter-attacking is more difficult and requires quicker reflexes. Bosses are way more aggressive and punish you for doing the wrong thing. But things invariably click with enough practice. Beating a boss feels like a real accomplishment.

    submitted by /u/PossibleSquare
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    Wait... Demon of Hatre is...

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 08:12 PM PST

    The Sculptor? I read it in a post. Where does it say in the game, other than him thanking you after you kill it?

    submitted by /u/Noontide35
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    Does anyone else go through the same emotions when facing Sword Saint?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:00 PM PST

    So I just beat Sekiro for the fourth time on NG+++ for the last ending and I went through the emotions that I always do when facing Sword Saint. It always starts with me getting my ass handed to me and me thinking okay I probably wont be able to win, then eventually I get pretty close and get to the second or third phase consistently and my confidence gets up and I'm like I can do this, to me finally winning and destroy that bastard. I went through all these emotions just today and I'm elated with the feeling of satisfaction. Just one more trophy till I get that coveted Platinum! Merry Christmas everyone!

    submitted by /u/DivineDarkness
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    First time playing. Do I suck ass, or is Juzou thr Drunkard really hard?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:42 PM PST

    I've beaten Dark Souls 1, I've beaten Bloodborne NG+ with DLC, but something about this very early-game boss just feels particularly unattainable. Is this really just how steep the learning curve is?

    submitted by /u/Milk-Snake
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    Tips for combat?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:16 PM PST

    I bought the game a few days ago. I'm at the fire bull after Gyoubu, and I'm realizing that the way in fighting just isn't cutting it. I've been playing the game like Bloodborne, dodging and getting close to attack, and assassinating when possible.

    I've tried deflecting, but the only character whose moves I can seem to deflect are Hanbei's. Otherwise, i just try to overwhelm the opponent with a barrage of attacks and break their posture that way.

    Does anyone have any tips for combat? Especially tips for deflecting? I'm on ps4 if that matters.

    submitted by /u/ANonGod
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    I die A LOT in Sekiro, like a lot. I spend hours on almost every single boss. Is it normal to die literally all the time in Sekiro?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 08:02 AM PST

    I've just got to the Guardian Ape and I've died tons, and tons, and tons, and tons of times throughout the entire game. I've definitely lost count but it has to be well over 150+ by now.

    Is this normal?

    When I first started playing this game, I really wanted to do it blind, but I've dropped the game a couple times early on because of this. Now, I try to do my best for a couple hours and when I get stuck on a boss (where I always get stuck), I look up some git good strategies then spend hours and hours trying to win and finally get past the fight.

    Now I'm at the Guardian Ape, I beat his first phase blind after only about 7 tries, which to me was pretty quickly. I was pretty happy about it, until the Ape got back up and picked up his head. I really enjoyed this twist but I felt my heart drop because I knew I would have to spend hours and hours trying to beat him (even after looking at git good guides).

    I don't know if this is a normal experience for people playing blind. Does everyone spend hours trying to defeat a single boss or is that just me?

    I haven't beaten the Guardian Ape yet after I first realized he had a second phase and watched a git good strat video. I'm planning on doing it today, but I find that I really have to mentally prepare myself for the hours I'm about to spend trying to do it. I thought that beating Genichiro would boost my skill at the game but I just keep dying - maybe just slightly less and my reaction speed is a lot better. Still though, I can't get over this sinking feeling that I'm not getting any better and that I'm not good enough to beat the game. :( I'm even getting nightmares about not being able to beat Sekiro LOL so I know I have to overcome this.

    I am enjoying the game but I wish I was better so I didn't have to spend so much time trying the same fight over and over. I personally can't bring myself to cheese these fights either. I want to be genuinely good at the game but I don't know how to improve faster...

    Is this experience even feel slightly similar to anyone else? I'd really like motivation, or stories with similar experience so I know or at least feel like I'm not alone.

    PS: I've only beaten the Dark Souls trilogy before Sekiro, and Bloodborne is on the backlog because I'm bad at that too lol


    So I beat the Guardian Ape! And didn't take me "hours" like I thought it would. I only healed twice and didn't need to revive on the run I beat him on! I think I am getting better at the game just very slowly.... Or maybe the developers just know how to keep the difficulty up as I progress.

    Anyways, thanks a lot for the comments of encouragement. They were really helpful and made me feel like I'm not alone in sucking haha Much love!

    submitted by /u/Lucrecious
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    Return to Sunken Valley cavern possible?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:13 AM PST

    So, Im on my first playthrough - you could say semi blind because Im checking the wiki here and there about mini boss locations fearing some might be missable.

    After finally finally beating Genichiro (I was stuck there for 50+ tries) Im making good progress. When I ran into the Monk and got my ass whooped I decided to do some backtracking first. Doing the rice quests with the coughing lady and such. So I ended up above the one eyed snake, killed it and landed finally on the other side of the bridge and then things went very very wrong. I died and cant find a way to get back there. Are the items I didnt pick up lost for good?

    submitted by /u/WatteOrk
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    I did it!

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:20 AM PST

    I pre ordered Sekiro and dropped the game in a week for being way too hard. It was so different from BB & DS3 that I couldn't adapt and thought the game was trash. I couldn't beat Genichiro and he is what made me quit the game. I redownload the game last week and haven't dropped it since! I beat Genichiro last night and I never felt better! I even discovered new areas/bosses I didn't catch during my 1st playthrough. Im at the guardian ape now who is giving me a run for my money, but I'm not going to give up! I'm excited to continue playing and feel dumb for dropping the game in the 1st place.

    submitted by /u/bigbootyfish
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    Insane Input Delay?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 08:08 PM PST

    Been playing for a while. when first booted up the game, everything was silky smooth. Could deflect with ease and whatnot. Reached guardian ape and tried him out so I can learn his move set.

    I exit the game, and the next morning there's this insane input delay, like 700ms at least. I ended up beating him but holy shit is it aids to play like this. I'm close to the corrupted monk and I honestly can't stand this shit.

    It feels like I'm literally Sekiro. I wanna be immersed but not to the point where it feels like I'm carrying his katana and swinging it. It's just so sluggish and slow.

    Any tips?

    Note: This was not like this at the start of the game, only occurred after Guardian ape. It's now become a literal struggle, I've killed every boss in 3-4 tries up until now where I'm struggling to kill the snake eye miniboss because of the input lag.

    submitted by /u/Tyr46
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    Mortal Draw is my friend

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:38 PM PST

    120+ hours in and on NG 3+, can do most bosses on first try now except I was still having trouble with Owl. Until I got the empowered mortal draw and OMG what a difference, cut him through in no time. Maybe for me its a endurance thing, I can parry with him in the beginning but just can't sustain it for more than 2 mins and the margin of error is so small. If you are out of emblem, how much is the damage reduction, does anyone know? Searched online it seems no reliable info on this.

    submitted by /u/Noontide35
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    Which boss is harder?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 03:33 PM PST

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