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    Sunday, December 20, 2020




    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:40 PM PST

    SPIN 2 WIN

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 03:18 PM PST

    Just make sure to backup your game save before midnight so you can get all 3 endings straight away

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:49 PM PST

    Getting the platinum yesterday and cool screenshots from this sub inspired me to make this.

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:07 AM PST

    Sekiro is the only fromsoftware game that I can remember every boss name and area in detail

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Its been just over a year since I played Sekiro, and after just playing through DS3 and Demon Souls remake I came to the realization that I can barely remember maybe a third of the boss fights. But when I thought about Sekiro I was able to recite every boss name, able to rank their difficulty, and on top of that able to remember every single one of their movesets accurately. I can even remember pretty much all of the minibosses too. I can vividly remember my progression and in which order I explored. But when I think back to DS3 and Demon Souls I cant remember shit, and it's like a haze. Just for reference I also beat BB back when it came out in 2015 and I actually remember a fair bit of it too but not nearly as well, which is understandable because I played it 4 years earlier. So why is my memory so different? Early onset of dementia? I beat every game only one time so its not from replaying.

    I'm not really sure why but I think it could be a couple things.

    1. Difficulty - Sekiro was by far the hardest for me and required the most concentration so maybe my focus imprinted the game into my memory.
    2. Emotion - This is similar to the difficulty in that I think the game was so hard it brought on these intense feelings of nerves at the end of boss fights that it made me feel like I'm taking free throws to win an NBA championship. No other game gave me an orgasmic feeling of finally beating a boss. No other game made me feel despair for the first time in a video game. I was actually questioning if I had what it takes.
    3. Repetition - The game was vastly harder for me than other souls games, so since I died so much to the bosses it required me to learn more about them. This one makes a lot of sense.
    4. Most of the bosses are human - Well, they are more relatable I guess. Have personality.
    5. Captivated by the art and story - Don't think its this, I loved DS3, Demon Souls, and BB setting just as much if not more. Art included.

    After reviewing its clear to me the challenge of the game and then subsequent achievement after beating the game affected my memory of it. Cool. Maybe you guys have had similar experiences.

    submitted by /u/EctoEmpire
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    Mindblown by Sekiro's combat

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I've finished my first playthrough and the combat system has me mindblown. I love Dark Souls and Bloodborne, but Sekiro is the cherry on the cake:

    1. You always feel like you're on equal footing to your foes (opposite to Soulsborne)
    2. Being able to parry almost anything or Mikiri counter unblockables is incredibly satisfying
    3. Bosses are incredibly challenging but beating them has given me among the best rushes I can remember (even more than beating Nameless King or Orphan of Kos)

    At first it's incredibly different, you have to forget Soulsborne and hone a new playstyle. I kinda hit a wall with Lady Butterfly and Genichiro. Since I had a lot of loose ends I decided to pursue those and return later.

    Among the loose ends was beating Seven Ashina Spears. Taking him out and all the mobs took me literally 4 hours, but by the time I finally got him, I had learned the game. I felt ready for Lady Butterfly and Genichiro and tried them again, I destroyed them both (adrenaline rushes).

    The rest of the bosses were difficult to say the least. Corrupt Monk was no cakewalk but felt harder than the True Monk later on. Great Shinobi Owl was especially challenging; by far hardest boss (even than Demon of Hatred). And Isshin the Sword Saint was an amazing final boss fight.

    I'm already more than halfway through NG and I feel like I've really honed the combat system. I parried every single hit Seven Ashina Spears had to offer and killed him no-hit. I'm killing bosses in my 2nd or 3rd try every time (still room for improvement) but this game rewards you so much for learning how to play it.

    I hope you have enjoyed this game as much as I have.

    submitted by /u/nubonaga
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    I come from dark souls, holy shit

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:34 AM PST

    I'm sure this kind of post has been made before, but god damn man.

    I've been playing dark souls/bloodborne religiously for as long as I can remember. Got pretty god damn good at it as well. Doing sl1 runs, speedruns, boss rush mods and the like.

    Part of what's made the Soulsborne series so enticing in the past has been it's difficulty, and to a certain extent that's been lost on me. A more in-depth exploration of each game's world kept me going for awhile, as did pvp, but a part of me longed for the brutal punishment I once received upon my first few playthroughs.

    So I downloaded Sekiro.

    It's back.

    I just fucking b a r e l y got through General Naomori Kawarada last night lmao

    submitted by /u/Cloabs
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    What combat arts do you use?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:29 PM PST

    I really enjoy messing around with the combat arts. Some are definitely more useful than others but it's fun to try new things. I find I almost always have One Mind equipped as there are so many uses for it from crowd control to quick damage. I also enjoy high monk in duels as it does a lot of posture damage and is fun to use. I know there are many strategies that others have found that I haven't and just want to see what I might potentially be missing out on.

    submitted by /u/bagoodles
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    Insane old corrupted crone

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Inner Father - No Deflection, No Damage, No Shinobi Prosthetic

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 12:01 PM PST

    Inner Isshin cooked

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 03:59 PM PST

    Purpose of Immortal Severance?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 08:17 PM PST

    Even after completing sekiro an obscene amount of times, I'm still confused exactly why Kuro wants to sever immortality and what it entails. Does immortal severance end all forms of immortality related to the divine dragon such as the infested and the rejuvenating waters? And if so, why exactly does Kuro want this to happen?

    submitted by /u/Moa-Burger
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    Raging bull

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 03:07 PM PST

    Why does no one talk about how much bs the raging bull is?

    submitted by /u/Cmonquavious
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    Sekiro floating?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:19 PM PST

    How do you guys feel / deal with NG+

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:53 PM PST

    I just beat the game and it wasn't really to hard except a couple bosses and I chose the wrong ending and I went back in NG+ and I expected the enemy's to do a bit more damage but it feels so stupid now I'm at ganichiro and everything one or 2 shots me , I go to lady butterfly and my posture is to low to deal with her and I don't do enough damage , and mini bosses take so long and do so much damage . Am I doing something wrong ?

    submitted by /u/aleccccc12
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    Gyoubu Oniwa Experience

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:33 AM PST

    I have no idea how many times I fought Gyoubu Oniwa before I realized how the blocking system works. For at least the first 15 tries I was only parrying. It was a magical moment when I finally realized you can just hold block for a while. From there it didn't take too long to beat him afterwards probably from all the parrying practice. Thanks for reading have a good day.

    submitted by /u/KeyCount10
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    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 11:03 PM PST

    New to the game. How many times r u guys generally dying when fighting a new boss? I'm dying more than I did in Souls. Just as frustrating/motivating.

    submitted by /u/GunsNSnuff
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    Few questions about ashina castle

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:53 PM PST

    Obligatory mobile formatting bs disclaimer

    Hi, so I just beat Genichiro Ashina (haven't felt this good in months ngl). I got the gun fort shrine key, opened that door, gave kuro the sakura droplet from lady butterfly, talked to isshin, got some sake (gave it to emma), and now i'm at a bit of a crossroads. I know that i have to go to the senpou temple for the mortal blade to progress, but there are some things about ashina castle i'm DYING to know.

    1. From the ashina castle idol (one on the bridge below the steps), how do you open the gate behind you? Every youtube video i find is how to open the door at the top of the stairs (which i did on my own awhile ago).

    2. From the ashina castle idol again, when you jump into the water there's a secret underwater tunnel area that doesn't lead anywhere. Wtf is that for? I'm assuming there's something under the water? (I haven't beaten monk yet so i can't dive).

    3. This post says there's a path behind ashina castle. Behind... where? I don't know where to go to see it.

    4. This question isn't directed at ashina castle but where's the best early to mid game place to farm for xp? I want the skill that makes the gourd more potent but i don't want to grind all day for that.

    submitted by /u/imsochoofed
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    What is wrong with Jinsuke?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 04:48 PM PST

    No, I dont mean the ridiculous small parry window after that little glint (maybe mapping deflect to a trigger instead of a button is a mistake, because of the triggers analogue nature? Or do I have to check for lag? My TV isnt the very best 😅).

    This happened several times now: I died when there where clearly TWO audio cues that I succesfully deflected('ding ding'). Still took damage. Why? Does he do absurd posture damage even when deflecting(only handed in 8 beads yet)? Is this sometimes just broken and a sound glitch? Does he sometimes do 3 hits?

    Also, I heard spamming deflect does minimize parry frames- how fast does it regenerate? Is his second combo(that almost always follows a deflected one) harder to counter therefore? Should I just do the old Dark Souls tactic of rolllingrollingrolling, as I read that it might work better?

    submitted by /u/WoodieWu
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    Anybody know what kind of flute the Palace Nobles are playing?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 06:43 PM PST

    The Palace Nobles are the slug-squid guys that absorb your vitality to make you move slow, and then they come to you and kill you.

    I've always loved the sound of those Japanese flutes, and after doing some research there seems to be quite a fair amount of them! I'm just asking because perhaps somebody with extensive knowledge here might know the specific kind, or the closest to it that they're using. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/KingShrep
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    Didn't get the desired ending - definition of frustration

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 01:43 PM PST

    In my first playthrough,which I finished on Friday, It so happened that I had a choice of which ending to get just because I had found the "second visit" to the Hirata Estate. And desided to do both, using the old ninjitsu technic of dropping saves to a usb drive. But friends told me that there is actually another ending in the "good" branch.

    I decided to devote this weekend to get this "secret" "true" ending. And I followed all the steps they listed and I was so thrilled to see some dialogues I missed in my first playthrough, I couldn't wait to see the ending. However, after defeating the final boss, I discovered that I have only the basic choice to proceed with Kuro.

    Frustrated, I decided to look up on YouTube the steps, and it turns out, there is another one bit of a dialogue I haven't triggered, the one after returning to the child after she ate the viscera.

    I feel like this ending is so cryptic. I can't imagine finding out for oneselfs this tricky sequence of actions that this quest requires. I'm bummed. I don't think I could pull another playthrough off. Maybe this is a payback for doing two endings in one playthrough.

    I just hope that somebody felt this way, overcame it, and will be generous enough to share you experience.

    Note: sorry, English is not my native language, please, don't judge too harsh.

    submitted by /u/leo_scream
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    Attention ALL Divine Shinobi!! (plz read!!)

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 10:22 PM PST

    Fellow Shinobi, there are definitely times when Sekiro becomes bland. Fortunately for the souls-like community, I've made a discord (750+ people so far!) where you can submit your own challenges for others to try! Or, you could alternatively try other people's challenges! Challenges have all kinds of different difficulties from Novice to Master, and we even have blind runs along with custom speedruns!!! This discord has gained a LOT of attention, and it seems like a lot of people are really enjoying it, so come check it out!
    Games supported: DeS, DS1, DS2, DS3, BB, Sekiro

    Here's an introduction video to help you understand EVERYTHING about the server:

    Join here: https://discord.gg/hCKbB6qJWR

    Here's where it all started! https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls/comments/jzy0ej/a_new_way_to_play_dark_souls_for_all_skill_levels/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    Take a look at the archives we've created! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WTB9P-LzYULZH1-SkuXutZhVyKY_30AfI_tIg2IPP6U/edit?usp=sharing

    I know a lot of you probably love this idea, please don't let it die in new!!!

    submitted by /u/hungryhyena78
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    Rare opening move of Inner Genichiro

    Posted: 20 Dec 2020 07:14 AM PST

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