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    Thursday, December 17, 2020

    Sekiro - Thanks for the help, dad.

    Sekiro - Thanks for the help, dad.

    Thanks for the help, dad.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:04 AM PST

    A billion skill points later ~ first time I ever went for platinum, this game is just so dang good!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 07:57 PM PST

    Finally did it lads

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:09 PM PST

    Curious device you have there...

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Just some quick sekiro fan art

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:16 AM PST

    Immortality Severed

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:15 PM PST

    Rot Essence - Got catchem All! Stupid final boss....

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:22 PM PST

    5-minute drawing of Owl on a spare piece of card-stock (Sharpie marker)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:45 PM PST

    Shinobi of the Divine Hair

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 09:51 AM PST

    I hesitated

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:07 AM PST

    Getting back into the swing of things; advice requested.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:37 PM PST

    Hello Sekiro Community! Recently I decided to get back into the game, only to find a whole bunch of new things waiting for me. Reflections, Gauntlets, a cool Outfit to try on... I'm very excited to try out the Shura Gauntlet, but I reach Isshin Ashina and he thrashes me sideways each and every time. What sort of general advice can you all give a returning player with regards to the endgame bosses? My playstyle revolves around basic attacks and deflection rather than fancy prosthetics and item usage - I find I don't have time to mess around in these fights with the Isshins, Owl, and the Demon. The Inner versions seem genuinely terrifying!

    submitted by /u/smiling_still
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    Which final Upgrade should i do first for Prosthetic tool upgrade? I just have 3 Lapis Lazuli on me right now. I have all the other require materials. Help.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 10:43 PM PST

    I might have quit playing this game for good if I put down my controller for 2 seconds just now...

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Guardian Ape 2.0 in Asian depths. Holy shit. Beat it first shot, but this game has stressed me the fuck out and I gotta play it in short bursts. Literally too stressing to play sometimes. Beat the Guardian ape. Took a deep sigh of release. "Shinobu Execution" pops up... Thank God... then I noticed the red circle again and damn near had a fucking heart attack but I managed to nuke it with the mortal blade.

    I'm dying of stress but I will complete the game. 🙃

    submitted by /u/Jengaman64
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    Are bosses replayed in "Reflection of Strenght" way harder?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:27 PM PST

    The Great Shinobi Owl fight isn’t fair

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:31 PM PST

    Sighs. I've hit another big wall in this game that I can't see myself getting over anytime soon.


    submitted by /u/TreGullyBanks
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    Sekiro update days 4 & 5: Genichiro time!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:28 PM PST

    I didn't write an update yesterday cause I didn't have much time to play so I didn't feel like I achieved a lot but looking back at it, I actually progressed quite a bit but for sure the big mountain to climb was today. Not sure if anyone reads this or cares about them lol but I'm loving the game and I love writing so I'll keep posting until I'm done.

    Yesterday I started at the Reservoir. I knew what must be done, there were 2 mini bosses that I saw on Tuesday but didn't have time to fight them. I went against Seven Ashina Spears first. It took me a couple tries, nothing too hard but I was getting rekt by his sweeping attacks. Just had to learn the timings and on the winning run I barely took damage and didn't even use a single Gourd. Then Lone Shadow Swordsman was honestly a joke. Plunged him and then I was able to parry most of his attacks and actually killed him first try.

    Then it was Ashina Castle. The general on the beginning of the level killed me like 3 or 4 times which was annoying cause you absolutely need to clear like the 6 dudes around him so it took a while. Kept slowly progressing as those weird rooftop ninjas can get very problematic. Talked to a couple NPCs, found the Sabimaru and reached an idol just before a dude chilling on a Dojo. He didn't look different to the other saamurai dudes on the castle but he was obviously a mini boss. It took me a couple tries to time the parry timings but was able to do so. I've realized that if you find a tool before a boss it's probably a good idea to use it right there and the Sabimaru was poisoning him very quick so it wasn't a long battle tbh. Went to the rooftops, heard a whistle and proceeded to climb. Then I saw the kiddo with the fucking dude that cut my arm and said nope, let's leave this for tomorrow.

    So today I started at the dojo idol, I knew the day was probably going to be mostly aimed to hitting my face against the boss until it died (that or I got too frustated lol). Went in, watched a cutscene and then the fight started. It killed me on like 10 seconds, revived and then killed me on 5. I went again and again and kept dying but I was doing better everytime. I felt like I was learning his attacks and with every single time I was taking less damage and parrying better. It took me 3 hours to finally beat him and here's some things I learned:

    1. If you still are not that good at parrying, your boy Genichiro will force you to learn right there buddy.
    2. He's actually an endurance fight. 3 "phases" means you have to manage your healings or he can cook you in the end.
    3. Again if you still don't get that you have to be aggresive 99% of the time then Genichiro is a pretty good teacher.

    Again it took me like around 3 hours and I was honestly on the edge of giving up cause I was running out of time but in the end I managed to pull through. Here are some more advice in case someone is stuck in this boss.

    1. Be aggresive, if you try to play defensively he overwhelms you.
    2. He has a very long combo which is not worth parrying. At the end I fought him so many time that I could easily parry every single hit from that combo but it does so much posture damage to you and so little to him that's honestly not worth parrying, just chill until he ends and then punish.
    3. Funnily enough he can be very passive from long periods of time, he just puts his sword up and kinda waits for you. The best punish for this is becoming the aggresor and the best way to do this is with the Ichimonji skill which you can get on the Ashina arts section. It's a downward slash that can be charged and when Genichiro enters that passive state you can literally fully charge it and it him. It does a good amount of posture damage, it recovers a lot of your posture and from time to time he doesn't block it and ends up taking vitality damage.
    4. Not sure if at some point the game tells you this but your posture recovers faster if you're guarding. So take the long combo he does to either heal or just guard so your posture goes down.
    5. As I said this is an endurance battle, go slow. The best strategy is to slowly chip his health so his posture starts going down slower. There's no point in racking a lot of posture damage if he's at full health and recovers in seconds. On my winning run I was literally hitting him once parrying then hit then parry and that allowed me to keep his posture pretty full and also get vitality hits here and there. Take your time, if you rush you lose. Hit once parry once, that's the way.
    6. Make sure you really know how to Mikiri counter, it's essential here. He'll jump and come down, you can parry that easily and as soon as he lands he goes for a thrust. You'll see his sword shining at that point start dodging forwards and you'll Mikiri him. It does a lot of posture damage and you can sometimes get a vitality hit. Get Shinobi Eyes as well, very useful.
    7. His jumping attack gets annoying after the first death blow cause he'll do a sweep 90% of the time so you can jump on him and get a couple hits but from time to time he'll thrust so you need to be paying a lot of attention, not only cause going for the Mikiri does a lot of posture damage but cause if you don't react accordingly it can easily do half of your health bar or more.
    8. Learn to parry his arrows, specially the one where he jumps and fires like 4 or 5. That attack is easy to parry, pretty much a rhythm you learn after some tries. Also when he gets away from you and fires a single arrow is a great time to heal. As soon as he walks back you heal, he readies the arrow and then learn the sound queue. The string of his bow makes a particular sound and then stops. When it stops he fires around a second later. Dodge as soon as the sound stops and you can easily dodge that arrow. If you don't feel comfortable with this then heal and immediatly press the guard button. it'll do some decent posture damage but at least you don't take vitality damage.
    9. Third phase is pretty chaotic but honestly it's the same thing again. 90% of his moves are the same. He only has 2 new moves but those moves can fuck you hard. If you fought the mini boss just before him you learn about the Lightning Reversal which is pretty flamboyant and cool honestly. You're basically catching his lightning attacks in the air and thrwoing them back before you touch the ground.
    10. My advice here is: LEARN THE DAMN LIGHTNING REVERSAL. If you don't know the timing it's risky but the reversal itself does a lot of posture damage and it shocks him which allows you to get like 2-3 hits in, it makes that last part so much faster and as you're probably either out of heals of have like 1-2 then you'll appreciate ending the damn fight fast. The best way to do it is to back of a bit, which kinda triggers him to go for those attacks. As soon as you see the red thingy on top of his head start guarding. Then let him jump and when you see the actual lightning being generated count a second (maybe slightly less) and then you jump without releasing your guard. if you did this correctly then you'll hear a parry sound (same one as always) and at that point just spam attack button like crazy cause you need to get that shit out of you before you touch the ground.

    I actually ended up missing the last reversal and I thought I was dead, I even dropped the controller on my lap and said FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCKKK and then I realized that I was still alive and then decided to go full aggro no matter what, his posture meter was almost full so I was like fuck it, I'll get 2 hits in then parry and keep working him, got nothing to lose. I did just that and he actually only took 2 rounds of that and then the red dot showed up and I spammed R1 like a mad man. Then I got the trophy and a cut scene started... And this ugly fuck resurrected. I was shocked, I actually thought I would need to fight him yet again but he just escaped, thanks god lol.

    Then it was just lore time. Go talk to grandpa, then back to the kid, then get a key, a second resurrection and then went all the way down to the abandoned dungeon as good grandpa told me but decided to end it there cause fighting Genichiro drained my energy.

    That last fight I honestly felt an adrenaline rush that no game made me feel since the first time I beat Orphan of Kos. Even tho I was losing again and again I was enjoying the fight so much and by the end I was not frustated. I actually realized that all the damage I was taking was my fault and that I could parry almost everything he sent my way. Take your time to learn his combos. I was taking a bunch of chip damage cause I would block 2 of his hits and then take a third one which doesn't do a lot of damage but if he keeps doing that then you can say bye to your gourds.

    The game is just getting better and better every day and learning the combat system and being able to have this sick parry battles just makes me eager to play the game every single day. My time before genichiro was around 17 hours and ended just over 20 after resting on the dungeon

    submitted by /u/Mackie26
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    Inner Isshin kill in 1:18 (Charmless/Bell)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Japanese voices not working?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:28 PM PST

    Just got Sekiro on some sketchy online game shop called Keen Shop for like $14 and after I unzipped all the files and loaded it up I found out that the Japanese voices do not work. I set the voices to English and it works fine. I've tinkered with every single setting in my sound options on my PC to no avail. I'm wondering if I just don't have the Japanese audio files downloaded? I really want to play the game in Japanese. Any fixes?

    submitted by /u/rly_tho_
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    Everything has it’s place in Sekiro

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 01:31 PM PST

    I get a skill and almost automatically decide "I'm never going to use this", then I try something new that blows my mind, and I feel like an asshole. The Senpou Leaping Kicks being able to both dodge a sweeping attack and do massive posture-damage being the best example right now. I'm sure if I'm ever able to stop farming like a madman and actually figure out where to go from the Temple Grounds main hall (already been underground, hence the monk arts), I'll just keep finding out cool new shit. Even more so with potential future play throughs. I still say Living Force combined with sword-related combat arts is fucking sick. Anyway, just crazy on this game is all. And plenty of other ways no doubt.

    submitted by /u/Ryan-Ranger
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    Floating passage

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 02:03 PM PST

    Isn't the consensus that this combat art is shit? I've been having a very fun time with it and I wanted to know what ppl think

    submitted by /u/Beeniemcg
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    Sekiro without parrying?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:13 PM PST

    I love souls, and hate parrying. I've play DeS, DS1-3, and Bloodborne, all, generally, without any parrying. In fact, all 5 of these games are pretty easy without parrying, once you know the game and understand the mechanics.

    Can you play Sekiro without parrying? I just don't enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/agb-101
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    Isshin, The Sword Saint Defeated!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 04:04 PM PST

    Hey everyone! I just beat Isshin, the Sword Saint. I recorded it and made a video. I thanked a bunch of YouTubers that gave me inspiration along the way.

    submitted by /u/dylandrawsdraws
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    Is This A Pigeon

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 11:14 AM PST

    I unlocked every skill in the game but this one stays unavailable, anyone know how to get this skill??

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 08:44 AM PST

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