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    Thursday, March 11, 2021

    Sekiro - I fkn did it I beat Lady Butterfly after many failed attempts the path of the Shinobi continues

    Sekiro - I fkn did it I beat Lady Butterfly after many failed attempts the path of the Shinobi continues

    I fkn did it I beat Lady Butterfly after many failed attempts the path of the Shinobi continues

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:44 PM PST

    I'm sorry to all my fellow Sekiro players

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 04:34 AM PST

    I bought Sekiro when it came out. I was a a seasoned ds and bb player by then. Had finished them all so many times and I remember being so excited a new from software game came out.

    I started playing it like it was a soulsborne game and man, did I get my ass kicked. I got really frustrated and gave it up after around ashina castle, I just couldn't beat general Kuranosuke and in Hirata Estate lady butterfly was giving me an even harder time.

    I put it in storage and decided it wasn't for me. On the from subreddits I was always saying that Sekiro was the worst of the from software games and that I didn't understand how anyone could prefer it over any of the other games.

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I felt a certain emptieness after completing all Soulsbornes again and decided I would finally give it another try and boy, how wrong have I been all this time.

    This time I didn't approach as a soulsborne game but as a totally different game and then it just kinda "clicked". I am so hooked right now, currently at fountainhead palace, just past the true corrupted monk and also trying to beat Owl Father. This game... It just might be my favourite from software game. Not 100% sure yet since I really like the others as well, but man, this game is awesome.

    So, to anyone who has caught me saying Sekiro was a bad game in the past. I'm sorry, I take it all back. You guys were right.

    submitted by /u/McSuckelaer
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    Senpou Temple vibes

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 10:15 PM PST

    The bosses in Sekiro are some of the most skilled Swordsmen and dangerous beasts know to man. Guardian Ape:

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:04 AM PST

    I've finally done it, now the wait for EldenRing begins...

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:13 PM PST

    5 panel art for sale. $100. It will go out UPS ground shipping. Located in Iowa. PayPal Shoeking233

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:01 PM PST

    Well, you deserve that!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:11 PM PST

    Sekiro is beaten in full. Demon Bell to the end. Dragon’s Homecoming ending. Lastly, my review: “I need a new controller but at least I’m happy now.”

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:05 PM PST

    Look who’s finally here

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:16 AM PST

    Grabbed 3 times in 30 seconds by Ape

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:58 AM PST

    Defeating Isshin charmless, bell demon, no healing every day until Elden Ring is out (day 17)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:52 AM PST


    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:35 PM PST

    Just beat father owl, and wow, great fight, def a real challenge, was so hype! Wish I hadn't went Shura my first play through that way I could face these opponents before they had 1 shot capability bc if you mess up you're done

    submitted by /u/tedjoneskidd
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    I'm shaking. A nice ending to a personal Sekiro battle.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:28 AM PST

    A little information about me: I'm a guy who can have an unhealthy obsession on whatever it is I'm doing. I can't let stuff go. So ofcourse the best thing to do for me was try Sekiro /s.

    I had trouble with the game. Genichiro beat me mercilessly and being someone who can't let go of stuff, I just went on for like 5 hours straight to beat him. Didn't take a break. At some point I was contemplating removing this game, but I didn't want to miss the story and fun afterwards. Because boy, this is a fun game!

    The rest of the game went a bit smoother, but then came this motherfcker piece of sht Sword Saint.. I tried, I tried and I tried once more. Couldn't beat him. Got to the third phase often enough, but this battle was tedious, fighting through four phases each time. It was no longer fun. Moreover, there was no more new content after this (unless NG+, but I'm not that kinda guy). I knew I could not just quit the game, since I would not be able to enjoy myself with other stuff while I know Isshin was smirking at me from my PlayStation. I dreamt about him, I couldn't focus on other things.. So I did the only thing I could do: I deleted the game as well as my local save files. I thought this would fix my obsession over not beating him, since I wasnt planning on playing the game from the start.

    It didn't work out that way.. I couldn't stop thinking about how the fact that I couldn't let go, made me a quitter. That's not how it was supposed to go: I should just work on this obsession by facing it: leaving the game as is and try once every few days or so, because I know I could beat him. It bothered me for a good few weeks.

    So when I told this story to a friend he simply said: "you know PS stores your data in the cloud right?". I was flabbergasted. Went home to check and lo and behold, it was indeed there. Installed the game, got mentally prepared to deal with failing over and over while still promising myself not to obsess over it. Booted up the game to check if the save game worked and..

    I beat him on the first try! I am still shaking as I type this. I could not have envisioned a more beautiful ending for this game.

    Sorry for the wall of text, just needed to type this down. Thanks for reading!

    Tldr: After numerous attempts at Sword Saint and not being able to sleep well because of my tendency to have an obsession with these kind of things (can't let them go), I removed the game and local save data to draw a line in the sand. A few weeks later I discovered that progress is saved in the cloud, so I installed it again and killed the mofo on my first try. I am a happy man now.

    submitted by /u/TrampsLikeUs91
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    My experience fighting the Guardian Ape on my first playthrough

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:33 PM PST

    No Hesitation [ALL INNER BOSSES / No Hit / feat. Prosthetic Axe]

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:56 AM PST


    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:08 PM PST

    Sekiro is indeed worth winning a GOTY.

    I obtained the "return of the dragon" ending, and OH BOY.


    Combat: 100

    Story: 100

    Movement: 100

    Environment: 100

    Boss fights: 100

    Enemy design: 150 (I fuckin love Demon of Hatred)

    Skill tree: 100

    Sekiro is a dream game, I think I'll never be able to play a similar game.

    Boy.. I should have played it earlier.

    Sekiro: Where dying stops being annoying

    submitted by /u/lilweebo
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    The Final Wall: Mental Confliction

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:22 PM PST

    Has anyone got as far as Isshin and Genichiro thought fuck this and never came back to finish the fight? That's roughly where I am at just now after a rough few days my performance and consistency are all over the place, I go from getting killed within seconds by Genichiro to getting through to Isshins second phase relatively easily.

    I will admit, I'm not in the best of places mentally just now but focusing my attention on Sekiro has really helped me battle with my loneliness over the last few months. However, now I have reached the point where I'm beating myself up because I think, if I got this far I should be good enough and I should be performing better than I am. I'm worried if I take too long a break when I get back I will be even worse. Yet, if I don't persist and finish the game I won't let myself forget it.

    Sorry if this has turned into a bit of a counselling session but the Sekiro community has helped me in the past and for fear of sounding cliche, nobody else will understand where I'm coming from. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Darthmather
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    Bruh this was genius

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:50 PM PST

    Finally starting to have fun

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:56 PM PST

    You really have to approach this game differently from Bloodborne and DS. I kept trying to dodge everything and rely on dodges to get the job done. That led to me getting killed over and over, basically not touching the game for a month after I bought it. Now as I got more used to the combat, Im actually having fun. Almost killed Lady Butterfly twice today. He summon got me with her having almost no HP left in phase two.

    Overall Id say this game requires you to really stick with it before you can have fun, especially if you are coming from previous From games. Its worth it though. Really excellent title.

    submitted by /u/vakulatheblacksmits
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    Emma is the hardest boss and you can't change my mind

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:20 PM PST

    Isshin? Absolute piece of cake Demon of hatred? Just a joke Inner father? Walk in the park

    But emma?? Dear god.

    submitted by /u/confidential_grape
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    I like this game. However...

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:24 PM PST

    Those of you that have finished this game, did you understand the mechanics from the start? Did it take hours and days of repetition to learn? I'm a fromsoftware fan and vet but this game defeats me constantly. I've been playing on and off for months and I've only beat the first boss. Seriously, Sister Friede wasn't as hard as Gyoubu Oniwa. Wtf. Wtf.

    submitted by /u/Sufficient-Look2906
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    “If you can do it, so can I”

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:35 PM PST

    Love the bosses, love the lore, love the music, but MY GAWD why are the non-boss enemies so damn easy?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:00 AM PST

    It's my first play through of Sekiro and loving the game so far, Lady Butterfly might be my favorite From femme fatale to date. Love the lore, the scenery, the soundtrack... but I've made it all the way to Sunken Valley where you find the dying "rat" and the regular enemies just bother me how easy the are. I felt it earlier on and just assumed there was a method to From's madness, as the mobs in Soulsborne are significantly harder. It makes sense in some situations, like the Juzou the Drunkard fight where the mob serves to build up loot and XP and adds to the "run back" effect. But I just Spider-Manned my way through the canyons and crevices of early Sunken Valley and found multiple singles of those Snake Eyes enemies with the bayonets. I R1 spammed every single one of them, even interrupted their Kanji attack, spamming R1. Like, what is the point of giving these inferior rent-a-AIs Kanji attacks, are they training for the elites? I just can't bring myself to fighting them without cheesing, they just aren't challenging. And this has been a running theme throughout the game.
    IDK, the game is fun otherwise, but I think Soulsborne handles the foot soldiers much better.

    submitted by /u/Zzzzombie_
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    Mix consumables feature (my random thoughts)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:47 AM PST

    holding (left or right in d-pad): fast scroll item, Emma's Medicine skills: Increases the healing effects of recovery items and also recovery Vitality and Posture skills are nice (necessary) feature for such complex and fast combats.

    and so consumables Items have short duration effect (becouse sometime you just don't need to?! lol), I like there's different kind of Gourd (estus) but most in case if I need to use them I need to heal too. If somehow they let us mix pellet into Mottled Purple Gourd then it will great. another example if we mix a pellet and a Pacifying Agent then it produce 1 sip Mottled Purple Gourd.

    \is this understandable enough, not english native speaker here.*

    submitted by /u/ExoticEase
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