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    Thursday, March 4, 2021

    Sekiro - Sekiro vs The Demon of Hatred(2020) by Anatofinnstark

    Sekiro - Sekiro vs The Demon of Hatred(2020) by Anatofinnstark

    Sekiro vs The Demon of Hatred(2020) by Anatofinnstark

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:01 AM PST

    This mf is prolly harder than Mist Noble

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 05:28 AM PST

    My daughter watched me deliver a death blow to the True Monk and her response was: oh! so he was full of leaves!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 07:38 PM PST

    Needs his scales

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 05:40 AM PST

    tribute to all of isshins one mind

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:49 PM PST

    It has it's problems, but Sekiro is a damn fun game

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:14 PM PST

    a meme i made in my free time

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:15 AM PST

    My husband is on his first game and I became attached to the chained ogre’s character design (by me!)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:14 AM PST

    Finally I've done it.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 06:56 PM PST

    Just beat the final boss, and just wow, what a goddamn amazing game

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 06:53 PM PST

    Just gotta gush over this game real quick

    So I just finished the game! Beat Isshin and Demon of Hatred. My playthrough took about 30-35 hours over the last week and I just wanted to express how much I loved this game! I've played DS1 and DS3 but this is by far my favourite From Software game.

    The combat is so fluid, so rhythmic, this game should be the go-to example of 'flow' in games.

    The graphics and atmosphere... *chefs kiss*

    So many memorable fights - Guardian Ape, Genichiro, Owl, Corrupted Monk (oh, and fuck that guy's true form - I beat him with 1hp and no res left after like 20 tries). Every boss and most of the minibosses were just tuned to perfection, seeming insurmountable at first but as you learn them and counter them you just feel like an absolute boss.

    I never parried in Dark Souls but in Sekiro it was basically all I did. I kept running out of spirit emblems so I just ended up fighting most enemies from Guardian Ape onwards largely without the prosthetic, just picking my moments. I didn't even pick up the umbrella, which I hear makes the Demon of Hatred slightly easier... lol

    I just adore the back and forth swordplay and parrying - which reaches its peak in the Isshin fight. Took me probably 4 or 5 hours but by the end I was cruising through Genichiro's phase and Isshin's first phase with parrying and countering, often only using one health gourd. It's so satisfying coming from being absolutely dominated by a boss to learning them inside and out and finally conquering them.

    Also just quietly it feels good to finish a game that many put in the 'too-hard' basket. I found the dark souls games 'hard' because they became frustrating. Bosses like Ornstein and Smough, or Capra Demon from DS1 were far more annoying than anything in this. In Sekiro the gameplay is just too damn fun and satisfying to frustrate me for long.

    Anyway, just wanted to share, this game was a great experience. From Soft nailed it with this one. 10/10.

    submitted by /u/jhunt42
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    Defeating Isshin charmless, bell demon, no healing every day until Elden Ring is out (day 10)

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:12 AM PST

    Just leaving this here

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 09:41 AM PST

    Pretty much sums up my first playthrough. I literally cannot progress in this area

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:08 AM PST

    So, how strong is Sekiro?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:38 PM PST

    Well, he can deflect attacks from an over 50m long sword, so pretty friggin' strong.

    This is also in a world where a 1 3/4 meter tall girl can throw you 4 meters into the air though.

    submitted by /u/MaleficTekX
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    Git Gud Design

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:39 AM PST

    Tip for New Players!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 10:15 PM PST

    Hi Sekiro fans! I wanted to post this tip to help out any newer players who are like me when I started: want so badly to enjoy the game because you love everything from the premise to the gameplay but keep feeling defeated irl... Anyways! I'm sure all of you have met the lovable Hanbei the Undying. But the thing that many people might gloss over is that when you train with him, you too are undying! He can't damage you and even if he hits you a hundred times, you won't die, lose sen, exp, and have to kill 50 ads to get back to where you were. I'd recommend utilizing his "free training" option to really learn the feeling of each parry, counter, and motion he throws your way. But the one thing that really helped boost my confidence in-game was not attacking him. I'd suggest performing defensive moves to fill his posture up over and over again since killing him is the easiest part of the training. He'll keep asking you if something's wrong since you're not chaining attacks like usual, but the training stops when you want it to. I hope this helps somebody like it helped me. Remember that our Shinobi didn't just pick up Kusabimaru one day and was instantly the warrior he became :)

    submitted by /u/sealark0105
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    This is a Game about Parenthood, and the Future.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 01:06 PM PST

    Decided to play through it again after a year and change off, after I had 100%'d the game on steam. After marinating on the lore and the history and the design of the game, this time I started paying attention to the themes and emotional core of the story, and I've concluded that Sekiro is about fatherhood, or more broadly parenthood.

    First, consider our characters and their relationships. Owl to Wolf. Genichiro to Ashina and Kuro. Isshin to Emma. And of course, Wolf to Kuro.

    This story is filled with parents (both literal and figurative) taking advantage of their children. The people or systems that should be protecting, empowering, and uplifting their charges are instead exploiting and discarding them, in a bid for power. Political, immortal, and so forth.

    Owl takes in a child who he trains to be a ninja, and then uses him repeatedly as an agent of his own will, killing him (or trying to, anyway) several times. And he is constantly going on about obedience to the parent.

    Genichiro is obsessed with maintaining Ashina's independence and legacy, to the point he drives it to endless war, destruction, and the death of its people. Even if he does succeed in overcoming the ENTIRE REST OF THE COUNTRY, what will be left at the end? He'll be shogun of the ashes. And to maintain a manic hold of that dream, he commits several occult heresies, from the rejuvenating waters to the lighting of tomoe to the kidnap of a child.

    Isshin was once the Sword-Saint, a conquering badass that ultimately set his land and clan on a collision course with the central government. Age has mellowed him out, and he is instead a defender from the shadows and a mentor/father figure to Emma, who in turn nurtures him and cares for him. It isn't a mistake that the final boss in both cases is Isshin, both the old man who fights for noble causes (against you about to become Shura), and the reincarnated younger Sword Saint with all the vigor and selfish rage of his past.

    Finally, we have Wolf and Kuro. Wolf who rescues and protects the boy, and who's entire arc goes from "servant" to "caregiver." Don't forget that when Kuro tried to warmly greet Wolf at the beginning of the game, yet Wolf maintains his Iron Code composure, resulting in Kuro turning his back on him and balling up his fists in frustration. After we rescue Kuro, we are instead working WITH him instead of FOR him. And then there are the endings, which I will cover at the end of this post.

    We have several other more "meta" examples of parental/authority figures exploiting the youth/their charges for selfish gains. The court nobles exploiting the populace. The monks of Senpou experimenting on and discarding the children. The older woman desperately trying to find/rescue her father from the lies of the nobles. And ultimately, the Divine Dragon and the Rejuvenating Waters causing people to remain immortal (thus stealing the future from the youth), but also going mad and fearing fire (which is often a metaphor for progress or civilization, aka light, heat, cooking, tanning, smithing, etc).

    Over and over again, the old, undying, or eternal are our enemies. From the elderly of the last generation (Owl, Lady Butterfly, Isshin's captains, etc), to the infested, to the mutated, to the corrupted divine, which is rotting away (remember the withered dragons that breathed poison?)

    Finally, the endings. In the one "evil" ending (which I must admit is still metal AF), Sekiro takes his place among this trend of exploitation. And surprise, it turns him into a demon. In every other ending, Sekiro instead does what every authority/parental figure SHOULD be doing across the game, and sacrifices himself FOR Kuro, rather than using him.

    I really enjoy viewing the game through this lens. Anybody else?

    submitted by /u/spehizle
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    Are there any Zuko mods or how is it possible to create a similar looking character? I found a pretty old xps model, any chances to convert it?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 08:11 PM PST


    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 05:25 PM PST

    I just beat the owl boss fight in ashina castle on my first try! The parry system simply clicked and I can't believe I did it!

    I have been waiting to play this since release and im so happy im putting my new pc to good use! After this im playing DS3 DLC

    submitted by /u/PurpleDragonRobot
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    I gonna cry myself to sleep now after the owl father had another day of fun with me.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 04:59 PM PST

    Looking forward to my dentist appointment tommorow.

    submitted by /u/Rover010
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    What having infinite stamina does to a MF

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 02:31 AM PST

    After hundreds of Isshin attempts...Im off to the birthplace of the divine dragon. What ending did you get?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2021 11:18 AM PST

    How do you unlock the shura gauntlet?

    Posted: 04 Mar 2021 12:16 AM PST

    I did the shura ending thinking I would get the gauntlet but i haven't am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/justsomesaddude0
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