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    Thursday, April 1, 2021

    Sekiro - Me, a noob, after an hour of Sekiro:

    Sekiro - Me, a noob, after an hour of Sekiro:

    Me, a noob, after an hour of Sekiro:


    Defeating Isshin charmless, bell demon, no healing every day until Elden Ring is out (day 38)


    Isshin Ashina has fought multiple Shura


    Tl;dr: Isshin said something that implies he has fought other Shura's than the sculptor. I think they could be General Tamura or Tomoe.


    I noticed something interesting a Shura storyline playthrough of Sekiro. When fighting Isshin, he says "Shura... I never did think ... I'd have to kill your kind again!" I had assumed that the only Shura Isshin had faced was the Sculptor. The problem is that Isshin had not killed a Shura in that situation. Instead he cut off the sculptor's arm intentionally to try and save his life. The sculptor had not died and neither had the Shura seeing as the sculptor can still turn into one. Isshin almost certainly knew that he had not killed the Shura, only lulled it into a state of relative inactivity.

    Clearly Isshin has fought and killed at least one other Shura, based on his claim. The question than becomes who? The only people who could be candidates are General Tamura and Tomoe.

    I see General Tamura as having possibly transformed into a Shura, triggering Isshin's coup. If he did transform, he probably went on a killing spree and as a result Isshin decided to put an end to his rampage by rebelling. You may think that Shura are only demonic beings, however when we transform we still look regular Wolf, albeit duel wielding mortal blades. It is possible that Tamura transformed during the rebellion too, not before.

    I think that Tomoe could have also transformed. She failed her quest to sever Lord Takeru's immortality and this may have drove her mad eventually driving a series of events to turn her into a Shura. This one definitely feels like more of a stretch but I am just trying to consider all of the possibilities.

    Hopefully you enjoyed my theory. Let me know what you think in the comments.

    submitted by /u/alexandervalkyrie
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    Finally got this guy down. I feel like getting a great achievement lol! Feels great about myself now


    When you ascend from a Puppy to The Demon Wolf in Red.


    Only the finest mozzarella cheese.


    Glad I didn’t quit...


    I bought Sekiro last year, played for a couple hours and didn't pick it up again until last week.
    I was extremely intimidated by this game. All last week I was getting my ass handed to me by regular henchmen and even dogs.
    Something just clicked and my confidence is through the roof. I beat Jinsuke Saze and the armored warrior on my first attempt and shichimen Warrior on my second.
    I think I skipped ahead a little cus I've yet to fight genichiro at Ashina yet but I think I'm ready. I still suck at the game but man, I'm just really glad I stuck it out.
    This is my first souls like game (I didn't like dark souls much) and it's amazing.

    submitted by /u/Slowspines
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    I drew Japanese Guts.


    Gerincho 2nd phase


    How tf do I do this I just spent 10 mins getting there without getting hit and then he kills me straight away so I can't learn how to beat him I'm sick off spending forever beating his first 2 stages flawlessly just to know I'm guna die in a few hits

    submitted by /u/what_a_prat
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    Yooooo this game has some nice details


    Charmless feels like I'm battling the camera, not the bad guys


    Decided to try out Charmless + Demon Bell using the popular boss rush mod. Not to rain on anybody's parade, but I just kinda feel like it exposes some flaws of the game. The camera is definitely the biggest offender - miniboss fights like Lone Shadow Longswordsman and Snake Eyes Shirafuji feel more like a battle to make sure I can actually see what they're doing, and the wonky hitboxes on things like grabs are way more apparent when you're memorizing every attack. I've beaten Bloodborne and Dark Souls 1 with minimum level runs, but this is 10x harder than that, but sometimes it feels like it's hard for all the wrong reasons. Still going to stick with it, but I'm not sure I'm really having a good time with it.

    submitted by /u/Pseudagonist
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    I think I screwed up big time


    I didn't realize I pressed sell items instead of buy items and thought the merchant had unlimited dragon droplets. So I just sold all my droplets. Son... of... a... bitch...................

    submitted by /u/bayless210
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    Owl Father Cooked and Dragon Flashed


    sekiro line portrait


    Did they patch out the first deathblow on Fountainhead Shichimen Warrior?


    I've tried to do it twice now - and it's not lit up at all

    submitted by /u/Rags2Rickius
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    Eyes of a Shadow | Inner Genichiro No HUD Showcase


    A lot of people don't consider this a boss fight but I'd still die a lot lol


    Got any tips?


    What are some tips I should know before playing this game. I have played and beaten all the other games (except demon's soul) and am very accustomed to that combat system. Is this in any way like those games? Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/lolo_lulu123
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    DrDisrespect destroys Corrupted Monk


    No Hit Inner Genichiro


    Made a video of a few of my favorite moments during my first playthrough - really loved this game


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