• Breaking News

    Friday, July 30, 2021

    Sekiro - gotta fight Emma...

    Sekiro - gotta fight Emma...

    gotta fight Emma...

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:12 PM PDT

    Emma, Way of Tomoe

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Fastest hand in the east

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:40 AM PDT

    Defeating Isshin charmless, bell demon, no healing every day until Elden Ring is out (day 159)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Any idea why there's a sakura on that distant mountain?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:16 AM PDT

    No Kuro’s Charm... is hard!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:48 PM PDT

    After my 9th play through I decided it was finally time to give Kuro back his charm, and I'm getting worked. Made it to the Blazing Bull in about half an hour and I was dead in less than sixty seconds.

    submitted by /u/ThaReal_HotRod
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    Memory of an Extraordinary Battle, i turn my suffering into 3d Sculptures ��

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    Got a pretty cool looking scenic deathblow. Thought I'd share.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    Is it not possible that Sekiro has doomed Ashoka?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    Think about it. You go through Ashina cutting down all of its best warriors, killing generals and Lord Genichiro. When the Interior Ministry invades, who is left to resist other than some lowly ranking goons? Seems to me that Sekiro has doomed Ashina to crumble.

    Edit: Ashina not Ashoka

    submitted by /u/Former-Income
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    Finally beat Genichiro after 5 days, around 8 hours in total

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    I just had to made a post. Coming from quiting the game last year just after the bull. I gave it another chance after reading so many praise and i'm glad i did.

    This is so far my favorite boss of the game, it was a real wall to me. The first day i couldn't get past his first health bar. On next day i managed to reach his second health bar and the next day i saw his second phase for the first time.

    Today i finally beat him and i feel much more confortable fighting him. The last hour i could consistently go to second phase without dying. I knew it was a matter of time to beat him.

    For the beginner like me that are strugling here are some tips / thoughts :

    • i don't think it's productive to fight him for long session of like 2 hours, you'll get frustrated, just take a break do something else and wait till next day
    • instead of trying to win just try to survive as long as possible by deflecting & blocking then you'll became more confident and relaxed and you can start pressuring him
    • mikiri counter was mvp for me, makes the fight a lot easier, it took me a day or two to have a good success rate at doing it (maybe something like 90%)
    • enjoy and observe your progress instead of taking each defeat as a loss. What kept me going was seing that i made progress over time and also that the fight doesn't feel like bullshit, when i loss i knew what i missed.

    I never spent so much time on a boss, what a game...

    submitted by /u/rere1010
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    Red Guard by sakura kawachi

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 03:37 PM PDT

    Why I Think Sekiro Is Partly A Successor To Dark Souls II

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:59 PM PDT

    The Premise Of My Argument

    basically I believe that some or a lot of ideas in sekiro are from wanting to expand upon DS2 because they liked the aspects they carried over but weren't proud of DS2 itself, i'll start with my weaker points and go from my stronger points from there.

    The Guardian Ape's Similarities With Two Bosses

    1)to start with is the guardian ape, the ape shares quite a bit in common with the last giant and mytha the banefal queen, because in his second phase he has a weapon in one hand, and his own head in the other, as well as mostly slithering around almost always during that part of the fight with both of them also being able to do a scream based attack that involves their dislodged head, and he can also be compared loosely to the last giant, being the last or one of the last creatures of his kind that in their first phase completely use their natural fighting skills against you using hands feet and all, but in the second phase they both have a part of their body removed and begin fighting mostly with their new weapon.

    Areas Which Are Similar

    2)areas of sekiro and DS2 can be very similar in theme or aesthetic, we'll start with the Hirata estate, a place that takes place in a memory of a place in lore that is being destroyed by the invaders of the area, and the version of ashina castle were you fight owl and the version you fight sword saint isshin, being the first area under a war that the enemies in game are fighting in, makes these areas very similar to the memories in dark souls 2 which have all of the elements I mentioned prior, as well as sekiro and DS2 both being games you can access memories, the next area can be considered quite a stretch to some but in terms of aesthetic I think that the abandoned dungeon and the gutter (when all torches are lit) look extremely similar, not mention they are both places were the only enemies are lowly hollows in DS2 and creatures in sekiro similar to hollows, as well as insects, but granted the lay outs a very different and DS2 also has a big lizard enemy there, also hollows are in general a common enemy throughout the souls series in general.

    The Start Of The Game

    3)in both sekiro and dark souls 2 you begin your start of the game with no equipment and very little health as you navigate through a dark and empty area both having a pitch black sky and after going through a cutscene with an NPC you retrieve your weapon and are able to finally fight properly, not to mention parts of it you can't visit until later on such as the statue in DS2 and the door to the gyoubu horn in sekiro for example

    The Divine Dragon And The Ancient Dragon

    4)the divine dragon is pretty much one of the most important parts of making sure you end the game and this role also applies to the ancient dragon of DS2 they are both powerful divine dragons with great powers living in places you were trying to reach that was referenced throughout the game specifically by your guide which is the emerald herald and kuro, and by visiting them you can acquire something of a divine right, not to mention they are both bosses (obviously)

    Aldia and The Man In Of The Abandoned Dungeon

    5)the man who experiments on people in the abandoned dungeon (I can't remember if it was doujin or someone else my bad) can be linked to being similar to aldia and the abandoned dungeon lore wise is like aldia's keep from a guy deciding to create these medical abominations in this dark lair were it is later abandoned when you visit it

    The Things That Can Be Seen As A Stretch/ Things That Don't Have Too Much In Common Or More Evidence To Them

    1)sekiro and DS2 both have a lot more healing items than the other souls games (idk about bloodborne, haven't played it yet, say anything about it be spoiler free thank you) 2)the animations of flame vent and the pyromancy "combustion" are quite similar 3)reoccurring bosses such as smelter demon and corrupted monk 4)Ashina Depths poison pool area kind of resembles a place in the harvest valley 5)the moveset of the straight sword in DS2 and the sword in sekiro are quite similar 6)the second version of the corrupted monk and the looking glass knight are both bosses in a hub between the next area and the previous, who both guard very divine and beautiful areas

    I'd understand if you see these as far fetched or coincidences but I just thought I'd point out this personal theme I noticed in sekiro of things that seem like additions to sekiro from DS2

    submitted by /u/Refined_Kettle
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    To anyone struggling with this game: are you saying your daily prayers to the Flame Vent?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    just started a NG charmless and lemme tell you, I've been getting some great freaking mileage out of this thing. sure, the game basically tells you "use this against the ogre," but as for other minibosses?

    struggling with Juzou? flame that drunkard.

    seven ashina spears? wait until you stagger him, then get those war crimes going.

    the bull? okay I'll admit it's not a great idea, but nothings a great idea against the bull so that's besides the point

    even some actual bosses get pretty fucked when you hit them with the hot sauce. this is mainly because as it turns out, free (at the cost of 3 spirit emblems of course) vitality damage is pretty great, and a burn proc not only makes the enemy panic and lets you land free hits, but also stops posture regeneration, letting you make a lot more progress towards killing whatever needs to get killed. upgrade to the charged version, and you'll get guaranteed burning if you've got a big enough punish window. spirit emblems are the only reason this thing is remotely balanced and even that problem can be rectified with a few mibu balloons.

    tldr: embrace shura, use unreasonable amounts of fire

    submitted by /u/oh-no-its-clara
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    Too Many Kiddo Too Many

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    Is this the shinobi way? Demon of Hatred

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    Finally. After +60 tries and two quit rages i finally beat the Demon of hatred and i'm so happy rn

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    This community is awesome

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    Just wanted to say thank you. Earlier this week I made a post asking for help on how to defeat General Tenzen. The tips I got there were so useful, I just defeated Gyobu with them. Also, it's funny how the game clicks once you get to that fight. First phase was easy, but got stuck on the second; once I started to get the deflect timing, everything just clicked.

    This community is so kind and helpful to Sekiro noobs like me! You are all great, thanks!

    submitted by /u/That-Staff8794
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    The Blood Boiling Sword Saint: Inner Isshin (No HUD)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    This game is unplayable for me on PC and I need help.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:07 PM PDT

    So I should have a decent enough PC to run the game at good settings, I can't even get it to run at the lowest setting possible.

    CPU: Intel i7 6700

    GPU: GTX 1660 super

    Ram : 16gb ddr4

    I've made sure The game is running on the gpu, I've followed several setting guides, an the posted tips on steam. I've messed with the priority settings, and the in game setting are turned all the way down. I'm at my wits end. This is the the first time I've tried to run a AAA game on a PC after just building a gaming rig for the first time. I just wanted to mess around with my favorite games with mods.

    submitted by /u/sanon441
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    It took me 108 hours to platinum Sekiro and complete the Mortal Journey gauntlet

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:15 PM PDT

    Finally. After putting the game down for 2 years.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Seems familiar…

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    Selfie with Isshin

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:16 PM PDT

    Is there, perhaps going to be a sekiro dlc ?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:40 PM PDT

    So i finished sekiro and all other souls games, and now, i feel empty... Elden ring looks kinda lame to me to be honest, and I just wanna know if sekiro dlc is thing ?

    submitted by /u/Wolfblooded2
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