• Breaking News

    Saturday, July 31, 2021

    Sekiro - Opinion: Sekiro combat literally overshadows every other FromSoftware game and is the absolute perfect blend of story, lore and action. I have never resonated with a FS game as much as Sekiro. Elden Ring looks amazing and I really hope the combat is closer to Sekiro than DS.

    Sekiro - Opinion: Sekiro combat literally overshadows every other FromSoftware game and is the absolute perfect blend of story, lore and action. I have never resonated with a FS game as much as Sekiro. Elden Ring looks amazing and I really hope the combat is closer to Sekiro than DS.

    Opinion: Sekiro combat literally overshadows every other FromSoftware game and is the absolute perfect blend of story, lore and action. I have never resonated with a FS game as much as Sekiro. Elden Ring looks amazing and I really hope the combat is closer to Sekiro than DS.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    Here to collect my 5 upvotes, thank you :D

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    You know his name!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 02:27 AM PDT

    First souls like game, any tips?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 06:57 AM PDT

    Nailed the platinum screenshot.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    Less known facts of the game.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:28 AM PDT

    1) you can jump deathblow on fire throwing centipede mob of senpou temple even when their agro is on 2) blood smoke ninjutsu on green geckos releases a poisonous cloud that builds poison abnormality both on you and enemies around you. on white geckos it releases a healing cloud. 3) you can parry guardian ape's poop 4) guardian ape's grab is also a sweep attack 5) charged lazulite shuriken can hit enemies through walls or obstacles 6) loaded spear can pull the centipede off headless ape's neck dealing huge vitality and posture damage 7) bestowal will make you immune to reactions when your sword gets parried allowing you to relentlessly attack 8) malcontent also works on o'rin but the stun duration seems smaller than other apparitions 9) you can parry rocks thrown by ashina soldiers 10) mist raven cannot be used to evade grabs contrary to what its description states 11) you can deathblow the wall enemies in the area where you get dried serpent vicera. but you must deflect and mikiri their attacks if you land any hits they will vanish inside the wall. 12) these wall ghosts also has a grab attack which smash sekiro against the wall 13) you take no chip damage when you deflect black mortal blade if you have devine confetti or purple flame living force active 14) you can anti air deathblow brown fur monkeys 15) any fire based attack will burn away stealth grass disabling its stealth property until area is reloaded 16) puppets has no health so regardless of the amount of damage they take they will not die unless the ninjutsu time runs out. 17) you don't have to jump to counter sweep attacks of ministry ninjas dodging forward also avoids it 18) (not kind of less know but still) golden vortex prosthetic tool is underrated. probably the second best there is. you can farm fulminated mercury and other items free of cost very fast at the ashina castle bonfire after second invasion by using ceremonial tanto then run to 5-6 ministry guys as they are agroing do the divine abduction suck in the profit, flee away, rest and repeat. 19) abandoned dungeon zombies will not respawn if burnt once 20) when you break the plank of the childish giant of senpou temple using loaded axe but don't perform deathblow he will curl down and give up as if begging for mercy. 21) senpou monks can be one shotted using divine abduction excluding the beyblade monks which is sad 22) the gong guy will attack you if you get close to him. his attacks deal negligible damage. funny thing is you can parry his attacks but the timing is very janky. 23) snap seed don't work on the purplish illusions of mibu villagers or nightjars neither does malcontent 24) the final chained ogre among the interior ministry soldiers near the shire that teleports to hatred demon don't fear flames because he lacks red eyes. 25) you can deflect the crystal sword of divine dragon if you're close enough 26) you can even deflect(also guard) its bite attack 27) its possible to fully fill divine dragon's posture bar but the deathblow won't appear it's scripted behind final lighting strike 28) the two red eyed nightjars after second invasion near ashina castle idol has guaranteed drops of either red lump or bite down. drop rates of these seem pretty equal. further the bite down they drop is unique with a unique description. 29) the shinobi hunter near old grave idol has a follow-up thrust attack when you jump his sweep. if you manage to deflect the thrust his posture will always break. 30) you can puppeteer all minibosses except headless and bulls 31) you can parry the fire bomb barrage demon of hatred throws from its ignited arm

    What do you guys think? I'm sure the real list is way longer than this XD

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Peak643
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    Hesitation is defeat!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Husband and wife

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Quick demon of hatred what do you guys think

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:51 PM PDT

    Lots of grinding, but finally completed this gem of a game.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    My first ever Isshin SS no damage. My love for this fight knows no bounds, I love this game so fucking much.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    how to stealth like a true shinobi.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Draw of my favourite characters( i will draw more of them) copied from the concept art

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    I visited my grandparents and I found a drawing of the Corrupted Monk and the Gardian Ape I did last year !

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:33 AM PDT

    I was one hit away from killing DoH, then my controller drifted.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:12 PM PDT

    I've been trying to kill this dude for about a week and I WAS SO CLOSE, I passed the first two phases without taking any damage and then his first move on the third made me resurrect, I used malcontent and yashariku's, then I was one hit away and sekiro just runs into the wall and omg I want to commit sudoku.

    submitted by /u/KnightofZero-
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    Every single death of a Sekiro playthrough edited down to one minute. Source: Birmade Ban on YouTube

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    Man asshina the sword saint !

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 07:30 PM PDT

    What a fight, in the end i had to go toe to toe with him in 2nd/3rd phase get those mikiri counters in followed up by a single slash punish with mortal blade straight after then block/jump away, dodge & double slash on jump as i found mortal blade to slow always got hit, all whilst keeping the posture bar up deflecting between opportunities for hits, what a rush .. still shaking.

    In the moment the final death blow marker came up I said out loud oh my god i finally did it, that last boss was the bane of my existence he killed me so many times over the last 4-5 days but i just couldn't bring myself to give up even though 3-4 times there i was ready to throw in the towel yet hearing those words out of his mouth was pure bliss .. do it !, well … done … sekiro.

    "Hesitation is defeat, Confidence is victory"

    Onto NG+ now !

    submitted by /u/ondro1992
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    Sekiro DLC got turned into a sequel

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    Hi, fan theory here. I believe, based on scant evidence, that Sekiro was meant to have a DLC which, sometime during development, was turned into work for the sequel. Here is my theory:

    1. Every FromSoft game since Darksouls has had DLC, it seems to be a trend. Therefore, I think work on a Sekiro DLC was likely.
    2. Darksouls III's DLC were more than usually tied to Darksouls III's promotional material and the base game (ruined Anor Londo on the cover art, the Dreg Heap being present in the kiln of the first flame, etc). Extrapolating this trend, you would expect to see signs of Sekiro's DLC in the base game and promotional material, which we don't.
    3. In Sekiro, there are several areas that the game asks us to go through multiple times, like Ashina Castle (3 times), Ashina outskirts (2 times), and Hirata estate (2 times). This could possibly be due to them re-working the DLC into a sequel, therefore needing to re-use areas for playtime.
    4. Sekiro's true ending is the most heavily sequel-baiting of any game they have made, in my option. If Sekiro was meant to be a stand alone title, it does not make sense to me to have such a powerful set up instead of completely concluding the story.
    5. Sekiro received a free content update a year and a half later, adding boss rush mode. This means the devs had still been working on the game, still cared about it, and perhaps felt bad they never released a DLC. This also had the added benefit of keeping players engaged with the game, drawing more desire for a proper sequel.

    Based on these points, it is my belief that Sekrio was going to have a DLC, fully concluding the IP, but someone or something decided that it should be re-worked into a complete sequel. An additional argument could be made that Hirata Estate was originally planed as a DLC, because like most other Darksouls DLC, it is accessed through an item given by a character which teleports you to a completely optional, large location. Either way, I believe a sequel is in the works and will be announced after Elden Ring. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/The_Angster_Gangster
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    Chose wrong ending. Any fix?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    Since I chose to uphold the code when asked by owl, the game won't let me pick again, despite losing to Emma boss. Since the game has been out for sometime, has anyone figured out how to change the game files to possibly revert this decision? Or maybe there is some mod to help with this. I'd rather not NG+ this game

    submitted by /u/alwaysSearching23
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    Lady Butterflys inspiration

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:12 PM PDT

    I'm not sure if this has been mentioned here before but Lady Butterfly has a very obvious inspiration: the opera Madama Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini. Before talking about what it means for Sekiro here is a brief summary of the opera:

    Act I

    Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton, a young U.S. Navy lieutenant, has arranged with Goro, a marriage broker, to acquire a fifteen-year-old Japanese bride, Cio-Cio-San (Madama Butterfly). Pinkerton takes a 999-year lease on a home overlooking Nagasaki harbor; this lease, as well as his marriage, can conveniently be canceled on a month's notice. Sharpless, the American Consul and a friend of Pinkerton's, arrives to witness the wedding. He warns Pinkerton not to treat the marriage lightly, as his bride-to-be is truly in love with him. Though Pinkerton claims to be infatuated with Butterfly, he proposes a toast to the American woman he will one day wed. Butterfly arrives for her wedding. She tells Sharpless that her family was once wealthy, but hard times forced her to become a geisha. After she admits that her father is dead, Goro tells Pinkerton that he committed ritual suicide at the Mikado's command. Butterfly's relatives arrive, and the wedding proceeds. The festivities are interrupted as the Bonze, Butterfly's uncle and a Buddhist priest, enters to denounce her for forsaking their ancestral religion. Pinkerton angrily orders the guests to leave. He comforts the distraught Butterfly, and the newlyweds proclaim their love.

    Act II

    Pinkerton has been gone from Nagasaki for three years. Suzuki, Butterfly's devoted maid, fears that he will not keep his promise to return; yet Butterfly confidently and patiently awaits his homecoming. Sharpless arrives to read Butterfly a letter he received from Pinkerton, who has since taken an American wife. Goro, who ushers in Prince Yamadori, a potential suitor for Butterfly, interrupts him. When Sharpless finally reads Pinkerton's letter to Butterfly, she gradually realizes that she has been abandoned. She sends for her young son, Sorrow, sure that Pinkerton will return when he learns that he has a son. Butterfly insists that she would rather die than be a geisha again. Suddenly, a cannon booms in the harbor, signaling the arrival of Pinkerton's ship. Butterfly and Suzuki decorate the house and await Pinkerton's return in an all-night vigil.

    Act III

    Pinkerton, his wife Kate, and Sharpless arrive at Butterfly's house. They ask Suzuki to tell Butterfly that they wish to take Sorrow to live with them in America. Butterfly enters, anxiously seeking Pinkerton, but he has fled in remorse. She meets Kate, and reluctantly agrees to surrender her child if Pinkerton will come for him in half an hour. Solemnly, Butterfly prepares for death. After bidding farewell to Sorrow, she commits suicide. Pinkerton rushes into the house, only to find Butterfly dead.

    With that out of the way there are multiple ways that both Butterflys relate to each other. The most obvious (besides of the name) is the shared theme of illusions. In the opera the young and naive Butterfly is a victim of illusions and false promises, in Sekiro she uses illusions against her enemies. This is further support by the name butterfly. In the opera it's a often referenced symbol for Butterfly's character as she is beautiful but also fragile and therefore has a doomed fate. Sekiro's Butterfly turns this into her strength by using her lightness for her fighting style. Lady Butterfly is therefore a antithesis towards Lady Butterfly and therefore also a different interpretation of Japanese nationality and its female image.

    submitted by /u/Conan-der-Barbier
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    4 play throughs later…

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 03:07 PM PDT

    Got this gem of a game two weeks ago. My first play through is done. I would’ve never even thought I’ll be able to finish it. Super proud.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 05:25 AM PDT


    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:59 PM PDT

    Got the Plat!!!

    submitted by /u/sonofodin42000
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    Thought I'd post it here. Has this happened to anyone else? Not sure what caused it.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2021 04:48 PM PDT

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